Bai Yueguang's stand-in cries all over the realm of comprehension

Chapter 167 Could it be that he was taken away?

No one can think of it.

Deep in the bottom of the Wucang Sea, there are not only a large number of monsters hidden, but also such a majestic and gloomy palace.

Before he got close, Jiang Yanlu saw two towering stone pillars rising from the ground on both sides of the palace.

There are two fierce black dragons entrenched on it.

The dragon's head looked down at the approaching large troops, and its huge eyeballs stared at them without blinking.

If it weren't for Jiang Yanlu not feeling the breath from above, just looking at it like this, as long as they dared to take a step forward, the two dragons would breathe out their breath in an instant.

Always guard the palace behind you.

The entire palace is three stories high.

The wall is made of deep blue seabed stones, almost blending with the entire seabed, but it is hard to ignore.

The ghostly green will-o'-the-wisp spread along the long and high stone steps all the way to the gate of the palace.

Layer after layer of eaves lighted faintly.

Colorful corals and dark gray reefs are all over the open space outside the palace.

The surroundings are quietly eerie.

Those little monsters who were chattering along the way also held their breath at this moment, silently following behind the four palace masters.

The eyes and expression can't help revealing a feeling of fear, timidity and awe.

Some little monsters with low cultivation have already started two wars, and they can't even walk safely.

Even the seagrass cages they carried swayed along.

Shen Lancheng trembled all the way, for fear that Jian Yuquan would wake up in this endless wandering, and then do some stupid things without thinking about it.

His slap was already ready.

As long as Jian Yuquan's eyelids move or make a sound.

He just slapped his senior brother unconscious again.

So as not to ruin Jiang Yanlu's plan to open the door.

The expressions on the faces of the four palace masters also became serious. If you look closely, you can see their respect for the palace.

Jiang Yanlu looked away, his eyes slightly frowned.

Could it be that there are monsters in this palace that are more powerful and terrifying than the four Great Monsters of Transforming God Realm?

But she remembered that in the plot of the original book, there were no other monsters in the main heart hall.

Jiang Yanlu raised his eyes again, looked carefully at the oppressive and breathless palace, and remembered the people imprisoned inside.

Guess, is it not a problem in the palace, but a problem in this palace?
At this time, the four palace masters had all walked up the stone steps and stood in front of the closed gate of the palace.

The gates of the palace are extremely solid.

In the plot of the original book, no matter how Xiao Jue and Yun Qing slashed, they didn't leave a sword mark on it.

The way to open the door still requires four palace masters.

The Mistress of the Eastern Palace turned her head, waved to a group of little demons at the bottom of the stone steps, and said, "Bring them up."

Jiang Yanlu replaced one of the little demons and said, "You rest below, I'll carry it."

This little demon's legs were so soft that he could hardly walk. Seeing a demon helping it, it gave up its position to Jiang Yanlu without saying a word.

When the four cages were carried to the gate of the main heart hall by the little demons, the palace masters of the four palaces just joined forces and used majestic demon power to wake up the big and round crystal eye on the gate of the palace.

Jiang Yanlu stood aside, watching quietly.

This is the door lock of the main heart hall.

The key to open the door is the pupils of the four palace masters.

Palace Master Nangong spoke first: "I'll come first."

He took a few more steps forward, adjusted a suitable distance, and aimed his eyes at the crystal eyes on the main heart hall.

In less than a moment, the crystal eyes projected a blue-black light, which entered the pupils of Nangong Palace Master.

There was only a click, and the sound of a lock opening sounded outside the silent main heart hall.

Jiang Yanlu saw a quarter of the light in Crystal's eyes lit up.

Mistress Nangong took a few steps back, blinked her eyes, and said to Mistress Donggong, "Next is you."

The Mistress of the West Palace and the Mistress of the Beigong successively opened the locks they were responsible for.

In the end, the eyes of all demons and humans fell on the Mistress of the Eastern Palace.

Palace Master Nangong said: "We have already been delayed for some time on the road, this time your speed should be faster."

The pressure on the master of the Eastern Palace suddenly increased: "I know!"

But it has more than enough heart but not enough energy.

Cross-eyed is not something he can control.

The crystal eyes are dead, and the position and eye distance are fixed and stuck there.

Maybe the big monster who built the crystal eyes didn't know that he would run into a cross-eyed monster.

Jiang Yanlu didn't even know what method the East Palace Master used to save files here at first.

Right now, one of its eyes is in focus, and the black pupil of the other eye has been tilted to Jiang Yanlu's side.

Jiang Yanlu: "..."

This kind of thing can't be rushed, and she can't help.

It can only rely on the East Palace Master's own efforts.

She can only wait here.

An hour later.

The crystal eyes that had been silent for a long time suddenly projected a blue-black light again, which entered the pupils of the Mistress of the Eastern Palace who was about to lose her hold on.

There was another click, and finally the last lock on the main door of the main heart hall was also opened.

The crystal eyes closed slowly, and the four lights that lit up were connected together and transformed into a red light source.

Red light sources densely covered the lines of the gate.

The two heavy doors slowly opened!
At this moment, Jian Yuquan, who had passed out, opened his eyes.

He saw Jiang Yanlu who was facing him at a glance.

At that time, Shen Lancheng's attention was all on the opened door of the main heart hall, and he ignored Jian Yuquan beside him for a moment.

This also gave Jian Yuquan a chance to speak.

"Jiang Yanlu, why are you here?"

Jian Yuquan's pale face turned slightly blue due to excessive blood loss, and he glared at Jiang Yanlu, the person who had always made Yun Qing sad.

Subconsciously, he thought that Jiang Yanlu was here to make things difficult for Yun Qing.

Otherwise, why would Jiang Yanlu follow wherever Yunqing appeared? !

Thinking of this, he immediately said viciously: "Jiang Yanlu, you really linger!"

Jian Yuquan's abrupt voice drew the attention of everyone present and the demon to him.

Shen Lancheng: "..."

Is it still too late for him to slap senior brother unconscious with a slap?

Where is the big brother's brain?
Even if he couldn't see the form clearly, he was slapped by the big carp monster with several ribs broken, and fainted all the way, he can still understand at this moment, he is outnumbered!
He remembered that senior brother was not so stupid before!

Could it be that the elder brother was taken away by some fool?

The Mistress of the Eastern Palace just finished wiping the sweat off her forehead when she saw the human beings she had captured, yelling outside the main heart hall, and her face darkened.

Just when he was about to attack Jian Yuquan again.

Yun Qing, who had been pretending to be dizzy, suddenly opened her eyes at this moment!

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