Jiang Yanlu: "..."

No matter how you look at it, this little fool doesn't look like a spirit with a brain.

Qiyue was also silent.

Jiang Yanlu has always been smart.

Why are the spiritual pets raised more stupid than the other?

The tree spirit was already dancing with joy, twisted and twisted its elastic little buttocks, and chopped a big fork in the same way.

Jiang Yanlu really didn't see it, so he quickly put it back into the jade bracelet.

The surroundings were instantly quiet.

Jiang Yanlu pointed to the stone caves with no doors on the opposite side, and said, "Let's go in and have a look."


the other side.

The three of Xiao Jue, who were one step behind the sedan chair, finally found Yun Qing in the palace.

The moment Yun Qing saw Xiao Jue, her eyes turned red instantly.

Her voice was weak, with tears in her eyes: "Elder brother!"

As soon as the three words were spoken, tears fell down in big drops.

When Xiao Jue saw the struggling wound on her body, and then saw her lovely and pitiful appearance, a faint ripple appeared in her heart that had not wavered for a long time.

Especially thinking that Yunqing is replacing Sangsang this time, coming to the Holy Dragon Palace as the stove of the Panlong Tree Demon.

The possessive desire in his heart began to haunt again.

Xiao Jue cut off the branches tied to Yun Qing's body, held her shoulders with both hands, and asked in a deep voice, "Did they do anything to you?"

He, Gong Yuyou and Hua Qiong were one step behind, and wandered around the palace for a long time after entering.

During this time, many things are likely to happen.

Although Xiao Jue didn't say it clearly.

But Yun Qing still guessed the meaning of his words.

She shook her head and sobbed softly: "They locked me here and never came back."

Xiao Jue was inexplicably relieved, and then asked where she was injured.

Hua Qiong watched from the side, with a look of contempt on her face.

She didn't even want to look at the two in front of her, and turned her head aside.

Gong Yuyou asked Yun Qing: "Fellow Daoist Yun Qing, did you see Jiang Yanlu in the Holy Dragon Palace?"

Yun Qing was worried that Jiang Yanlu had already found the treasure one step ahead of them in the Holy Dragon Palace.

So she told all about how she and Qiyue came to Shenglong Palace with her in the car.

Hua Qiong was angry again, gnashing her teeth: "Good job you Jiang Yanlu!"

She thought Jiang Yanlu was trapped in the formation.

Unexpectedly, the other party hid in the car a long time ago, and was comfortably carried into the Holy Dragon Palace all the way! !

Hua Qiong turned around and left.

She must not let Jiang Yanlu snatch all the good things here!

Gong Yuyou followed closely behind.

Yun Qing stood up and said, "Brother, let's go out and have a look."


Jiang Yanlu and Qiyue searched a lot of cultivation resources in the cave.

One of the stone chambers is an improved small spiritual plant garden.

It is full of various precious spiritual plants.

Jiang Yanlu collected all the spiritual plants into the jade bracelet.

Qiyue still didn't want anything.

Jiang Yanlu didn't insist anymore.

After returning to the sect, he planned to use the large amount of spiritual plants he got this time to refine some more pills and send them to the junior brother.

After looting all these stone chambers, Jiang Yanlu and his two walked through a dark corridor inside.

After walking for about two quarters of an hour, they saw another stone room that was almost exactly the same as before, and a narrow and long stone staircase.

The only difference is that there are no caves or treasures here.

Jiang Yanlu looked at the stone ladder in front of him: "Go up and see where this secret passage leads to."

Qi Yue nodded: "Okay."

He was still at the forefront, leading Jiang Yanlu.

The height of the stone ladder here is exactly the same as that of the stone ladder over there.

Qiyue held a luminous pearl in his hand, his black eyes searched around the stone wall, and soon saw a stone button.

He raised his hand and pressed the stone.

The stone slab above his head opened with a bang.

The light outside suddenly shone in.

Jiang Yanlu squinted his eyes subconsciously.

The stone slab is attached to the bed slab.

The bed board lifted one side without warning, and the Panlong Tree Demon rolled to the ground with a thud.

He got up and looked over blankly.

"Father? You didn't go to see Xinluding?"

Jiang Yanlu immediately reacted.

This is the voice of another Panlong Dryad.

It turns out that under the palace of their father and son, there is a secret passage connecting them!

Qiyue came out short.

When Panlong Tree Demon saw that it was not his father who came out of the secret path, but a strange man, he was terrified.

In an instant, he gathered up his open underwear to cover his naked body, and shouted angrily:

"Who are you!!"

Jiang Yanlu also rolled up from under the bed at this time.

She looked at the slightly younger Panlong Tree Demon in front of her, with a sneer on her lips: "I am your ever-changing father."

Panlong Dryad's expression changed, and he let out a loud cry: "You're courting death!"

His two arms quickly turned into light-colored branches of a crouching dragon, and he rushed towards Jiang Yanlu!
Jiang Yanlu slashed off the branch in front of him with a sword, and said to Qiyue: "Little brother, kill him!"


At this time, the four of Yunqing had just arrived at the palace where the old panlong tree demon was.

Looking at the completely collapsed hall, before they could react, they heard the sound of fierce fighting from another palace.

The little tree demons in the various palaces of the Panlong Palace fled around carrying Sirou on their backs.

Yun Qing instantly turned her head to look east: "Junior Sister Jiang and the others must be there! Let's go help her!"

The figures of the four of them instantly turned into a light and shadow, and quickly ran in the direction where Jiang Yanlu was.


at the palace.

Jiang Yanlu didn't waste any time, and simply and decisively joined hands with Qiyue to kill the Panlong Tree Demon.

She burned the palace of Panlong Tree Demon and Kong Wuyi Demon with the Purple Phoenix Fire.

The fire was raging.

A big green tree rose from the ground in the firelight.

It was not disturbed by the burning sky purple phoenix fire at all, and it grew into a towering tree in an instant.

There is a tree hole one person high in the trunk.

The teleportation array inside exudes a green light.

Jiang Yanlu looked at Qiyue: "Little brother, this is the passage to the fifth floor of Wuying Pagoda!"

Qi Yue also said: "Sister, let's go in together!"

Jiang Yanlu nodded.

The two stepped into the tree hole one after the other, and their figures disappeared in the teleportation array in an instant.

When the four of Yun Qing arrived, Jiang Yanlu and Qi Yue had just left.

Hua Qiong looked at the sky full of flames, and saw the towering trees in the flames, and said:

"This must be the passage to the fifth floor of the Shadowless Tower!"

She was about to lift her foot in one step first, when she was forced back by the flames in front of her.

Feeling the endless power in the flames, Yun Qing felt a tinge of sourness in her heart: "This is the Sky Burning Purple Phoenix Fire fired by Junior Sister Jiang."

Originally, the Burning Sky Purple Phoenix Fire should belong to her!

If it wasn't for Jiang Yanlu to get in the way...

How could she miss Fentian Zihuanghuo!

When Yunqing was complaining, Hua Qiong and Gong Yuyou had already resisted the surrounding flames with water shields and ice, and walked inside with difficulty.

Yun Qing gritted her teeth, and together with Xiao Jue, rushed into the flames.

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