
The light of the teleportation array disappeared.

Jiang Yanlu's eyes gradually became clear, and he found that he was standing alone in a narrow ice road several meters long.

Surrounded by thick and high walls of ice.

She planned to fly out directly with Yujian, but just as her feet were half an arm's length away from the ground, she was severely suppressed by the restraint.

No flying here.

Jiang Yanlu drew out the Nine Heavens Sword, injected spiritual energy into his body, and slashed at the ice wall in front of him with the sword.

The long sword landed on the ice, making a loud noise.

However, there is not a single crack on it.

The sword just now was just a sound.

She tried to burn it with the Burning Sky Purple Phoenix.

Under the scorching heat, the ice surface showed no sign of melting.

Jiang Yanlu put away the flame in his palm and walked along the ice path to one of the directions.

Not long after he left, he entered a dead end.

She stopped where she was, looking at the ice wall that was close at hand.


At this moment, there was a creepy cry of a girl.

"Sister, where are you?"

"Why did you take my eyes away, why did you leave me here alone?"

"Sister, my eyes hurt so much, give me back my eyes, give me back my eyes!"

The sound came from all directions, getting sharper and sharper, like fingernails scratching on a blackboard, making people uncomfortable and chills down the spine.

"Where are you? Sister, where are you?"

"Don't leave me alone, okay, it's so cold here, I'm so scared."

Jiang Yanlu carefully identified the specific direction of the voice, and at the same time shouted: "I am here, sister!"

She walked towards her direction: "Where are you, don't be afraid, just stand there and don't move, wait until I bring you two eyes."

The girl's voice stopped abruptly.

Jiang Yanlu pulled out two spirit stones from the jade bracelet, and carved eyes on them with a dagger.

After passing through three ice walls, I saw the girl.

She looks about ten years old.

Wearing a blood-red dress, her feet were bare on the ice, and her long black hair hung down her sides.

Her eyes had been gouged out, and blood and tears were streaming down the black eye sockets.

The moment he saw Jiang Yanlu, there was a sinister and cold smile on the corner of his lips, and he was about to speak.

Jiang Yanlu took the lead and said, "I finally found you!"

Girl: "???"

This seems to be my word, right?

Girl: "Aren't you afraid of me?"

Jiang Yan's deer face did not change, she was not half scary as a dead girl sister.

Oh, and the corpse girl sister is also very cute.

They are all her sisters, and they want a bowl of water.

Jiang Yanlu quickly blended in: "Your eyes were dug out by my sister. My sister dared to dig your eyes out. How could you be afraid of this?"

Girl: "..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Give me back my eyes!"

Her eyes turned hard, she stretched out her hands, showing long black nails, flew up, and grabbed Jiang Yanlu's face.

Jiang Yanlu swung his sword instantly.

The fourth style of Feng Wu Nine Heavens Sword Art - Phoenix Yu Fei!
The domineering sword energy fell on the girl in an instant.

All of her iron-like fingernails were broken, and she was blown away by the sword energy.

With a sound of "Peng", it hit the ice wall, then slid to the ground, lying on the ground for a while without any movement.

Jiang Yanlu approached and tied the man up with a fairy rope.

Since she raised her cultivation base to the Yuanying Realm Dzogchen, she has never used the Phoenix Dance Nine Heavens Sword Technique.

This is the first time.

The sword power of the Nascent Soul Realm Dzogchen cultivation base is so powerful.

With just one move, the Transformation God in front of him was sent flying.

Jiang Yanlu held one end of the fairy rope, and with a strong hand, he lifted the opponent up.

At the same time, the Nine Heavens Sword protruded from her right hand, flew up automatically, and rested on her neck.

"You are so young and have such a bad temper, why don't you look at the eyes I made for you first."

Jiang Yanlu spread his hands, and a pair of Lingshi eyes appeared in his palms.

"I'll put new eyes in for you."

After speaking, he went straight to work, put Lingshi's eyes into the girl's eye sockets, and showed her a mirror.

By the way, close your eyes and praise:
"My younger sister is originally beautiful, but with new eyes, she is like a fairy!"

When the girl heard Jiang Yanlu's words, she couldn't help but start looking in the mirror.

Jiang Yanlu: "My sister's new eyes are so bright! It's like hiding stars inside! How can they be so beautiful!"

The girl was immersed in the compliment after sentence, and blinked: "Really?"

Jiang Yanlu nodded: "Of course it's true, can my sister still lie to you?"

She took out another bunch of things.

There are the wind and sand beads collected in the secret place of the Pantu Desert, as well as the amber, agate and gems of various colors used to decorate the scabbard.

"My sister can also make you many, many other colors of eyes, do you want to?"

The girl nodded instantly: "Yes!"

Jiang Yanlu smiled and said, "Well, how about you take me out of this place and I'll make you new eyes on the way?"

"In the future, you will have many, many pairs of eyes! You will also be the most beautiful and unique girl in the world!"

Girls simply cannot resist the temptation of beauty.

She nodded furiously: "Okay! I'll take you out now, hurry up and make a lot of beautiful eyes for me!"

As soon as the words fell, the ice wall blocking the way in front of him slowly moved to both sides.

A dead end instantly became a living end.

Jiang Yanlu raised his eyebrows slightly, it turned out that she controlled the maze.

Girls love beauty more seriously than imagined.

Every time Jiang Yanlu finished making a new pair of eyes, he had to put them on for her.

Then take out the mirror and show her a look, and by the way, give her a compliment.

When the two reached the exit of the maze, Jiang Yanlu also carved the last pair of eyes.

She put the girl's clothes on, and then took back the fairy rope, saying: "It's so beautiful!"

She handed the mirror to the other party's hand: "I'll give this to you too, I'm leaving, and you will have to fix your eyes yourself in the future."

"Okay!" The girl touched the eyes in her eye sockets, waved to Jiang Yanlu's back, and said happily, "Thank you sister for your eyes!"

Jiang Yanlu stepped out of the maze with one foot, and the moment the other foot landed, the scene in front of him suddenly changed from the ice wall maze to the main peak of Taixuan Sword Sect.

Holding the Nine Heavens Sword in her hand, she stood in the familiar sect.

One of the fellow students came out from the side, with a happy expression on his face: "Senior Sister Jiang, congratulations!"

Jiang Yanlu was confused: "Congratulations to me?"

The same door smiled and said: "Of course, congratulations to Senior Sister Jiang and Senior Brother who will soon become Taoist couples!"

Jiang Yanlu was shocked and shouted:

"I want to become a Taoist couple with Xiao Jue?!"

This is simply alarmist talk!

She was directly awakened by this nightmare, opened her eyes suddenly, and found that she had appeared on the steep cliff at no time.

Standing in front of her was the junior brother who had been separated from her for a short time on the upper level.

Qiyue also just arrived.

He just forcibly woke up from Jiang Yanlu's nightmare of wanting to blew himself up and Yuan Dan died with him.

I saw Jiang Yanlu.

Before he had time to open his mouth, he heard the words she had just shouted about becoming a Taoist partner with Xiao Jue.

The smile in Qi Yue's eyes disappeared instantly.

His face was stinky and sad.

Jiang Yanlu looked puzzled and asked, "Little brother, what's wrong with you?"

Qiyue glanced at her, and said with a bit of aggrieved voice, "I don't want you and Xiao Jue to become Taoist couples."

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