Chapter 1214
Si Chengtian looked at the girl who had just taken a shower, her whole body was covered in pink, and the light in her eyes jumped.

Similarly, Quan Jiayun leaned there, looking at Si Chengtian who walked in, she frowned, and looked at him wantonly.

This time, Si Chengtian was not wearing his ascetic black military uniform.

At this time, he was only wearing a white cotton shirt.

It's not like every button is buttoned to the top like before.

At this time, the button attached to the center of the collarbone was loosened, and the sleeves were slightly rolled up...

In such a relaxed dress, there is less abstinence, so a lot of sexy hormones have sprung out, intertwined with abstinence, forming a very attractive and delicious appearance.

In addition, Si Chengtian's hair at this time is not the refreshing elite hairstyle that is parted and exposed during the day, it is just washed and dried, it is soft and docile...

This made him look smaller and more obedient.

Just like a college student with a strong aura.

This different Si Chengtian made Quan Jiayun's eyes shine.

Humans have always been visual creatures.

A person with extremely good looks is always more attractive.

She watched him approach with admiring eyes.

It wasn't until she took a sip of the hot milk from his hand that she looked sideways at Si Chengtian who was sitting next to her and said, "I don't think the general just brought me a cup of hot milk before going to bed just for the sake of it. Ask, is there any?" What do you want to ask, in order to repay the general for saving your life tonight, I must know everything about tonight, and I will say everything."

In fact, Si Chengtian really just wanted to take a look at her. Hearing what she said, he really wanted to ask her a little bit.

Before coming here, he contacted Adjutant Han. The male cultivator was seriously injured by him, and he was still in a coma and did not wake up, so some information was not available for the time being.

Moreover, in order to spend more time with her, he was also willing to follow along.

Si Chengtian then asked, "How many monks are chasing you tonight?"

As expected, Quan Jiayun did not slip up, and answered very straightforwardly.

"Four, the other three are much weaker, so I killed them before you came."

Quan Jiayun said this very casually. When speaking, her eyes were fixed on Si Chengtian's face, observing his reaction.

Sure enough, when she said this, Si Chengtian frowned slightly.

Quan Jiayun narrowed his eyes, brought the hot milk to his lips, looked at Si Chengtian through the cup, thought a little playfully, and thought endlessly, would he educate her and send her to the Security Bureau?
Although Si Chengtian did react a little when he heard that he was killed.

But he wasn't averse to such things.

Although he doesn't like the human beings under his jurisdiction to kill each other, he also knows that such things are forbidden.

At the same time, it is the benevolence of a woman to think of saving the other party's life when she is in danger at the same time.

He was just thinking, it turned out that she was so tired after dealing with three people before.

Si Chengtian looked at Quan Jiayun, and really wanted to tell the girl that when something like this happened, he should be notified earlier, but he was afraid of making her feel uncomfortable, so in the end Si Chengtian just said, "Thank you for your hard work."

Hearing this, Quan Jiayun rubbed his fingers lightly on the edge of the cup, and looked at Si Chengtian and smiled slightly.

Si Chengtian then asked: "Do you have any information about their origins?"

(End of this chapter)

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