The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1215 Is My Responsibility

Chapter 1215 Is My Responsibility

Quan Jiayun rolled his eyes slightly, and said: "They said they belonged to the Cultivation League, and they were very dissatisfied with my disclosure of qigong and spells, and thought that I had violated their rules, so they sent a righteous little partner to come I was arrested and sanctioned, I don’t know about the others, I was only concerned about killing people at that time.”

Si Chengtian frowned again when he heard this.

Cultivation Alliance.

It seems to be a relatively large organization.

In other words, there are not many monks secretly.

Seeing that Si Chengtian was lost in thought, Quan Jiayun didn't remind him, but sipped hot milk that could warm his throat, waiting for Si Chengtian to finish his analysis.

It's not too long to wait.

Soon, Si Chengtian looked at Quan Jiayun and said seriously: "According to what you said, this time the other party died three times and one was injured, and the Cultivation League will definitely take action against you in the future. It's too unsafe for you to be alone. , Of course, this does not mean that you are not capable enough, it is just that it is easy to hide from the open, but hard to defend from the hidden, and they are hiding, so it is hard to tell what kind of action they will make."

"So, don't travel alone for a while now. You will still live here when the military academy is fully on vacation. Then you need to call me somewhere."

Seeing Si Chengtian's serious proposal, Quan Jiayun's eyes flickered.

Then she tilted her head to the side, changed the subject and said, "That's it, is there anything else you want to ask?"

Seeing that she wanted to change the subject, Si Chengtian put his hand on her shoulder and said, "Promise me."

Quan Jiayun looked at Si Chengtian's clean and handsome face, his eyes flickered, and he sighed softly in his heart.

It is impossible to promise.

Because according to the plan, she will leave the Southwest base as soon as the military school is on vacation.

Regarding this matter, when Quan Jiayun intends to leave, just leave a text message.

Originally, she didn't even want to leave a text message.

Because after Quan Jiayun entered the realm of comprehension and received lessons from others, since then, she has never revealed her whereabouts to any individual.

He just thought that Si Chengtian might look for her everywhere because of her disappearance for no reason.

Think of that picture.

That's when she thought about leaving a text message.

Now, facing Si Chengtian's black pupils, Quan Jiayun could have agreed to fool Si Chengtian at will, but in the end, she did not do so.

She found that she still had a soft heart for Si Chengtian after all.

In the past, flickering and so on were all done casually. Similarly, she used people whenever she wanted to. She didn't consider other people's feelings. It can be said that she was a pure egoist.

Now I can't bear it anymore.

But it's not surprising, after all, Si Chengtian also did something for her.

She pushed away Si Chengtian's hand, looked at Si Chengtian calmly with her dark and gloomy eyes, and said, "My lord general, I'm not your duty, don't take everything on you."

Si Chengtian stared at her and replied: "Why not, you are a citizen of my jurisdiction, and also a special talent who handed over new exercises. It is my responsibility to protect your safety."

Quan Jiayun looked at him, and finally said lightly: "Anyway, there are still a few days before the holiday, let's talk about it then."

After receiving such an answer, Si Chengtian didn't force her.

In short, if she disagrees, he will keep an eye on her.

The topic has obviously ended here, and Quan Jiayun then said: "If you have nothing to ask, General, I have a question to ask the General."

(End of this chapter)

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