Chapter 1237
Yi Lianggong's eyes also changed slightly.

He glanced at Si Chengtian, then back at Quan Jiayun.

In his heart, he sneered with some disdain for Quan Jiayun's words.

Soul search him?
When he fought Quan Jiayun last night, he had estimated her strength, but she had a little more talismans and various tricks, but she didn't see how strong she was.

If it wasn't for Si Chengtian's sudden appearance, he could have killed her.

Therefore, he really believed that Quan Jiayun could not search for his soul.

Because the soul search can only be used by monks with strong spiritual consciousness and low spiritual consciousness. On the contrary, it is very easy to be backlashed by the other party.

No, although he was disdainful in his heart, because Quan Jiayun said this, he still had some doubts.

Is she cheating on him?

Or does it really have that strength?For a while, Yi Lianggong was afraid to make a judgment lightly, but he quickly thought about it, pondered for a while, and finally felt that she was deceiving him.

If she really dared to search for his soul, she would have done so long ago, why bother to say so.

Moreover, he also has quite strong confidence in his own spiritual consciousness. He has practiced through a special method. Although he is not as good as a Jindan monk, he must be the strongest in the realm of foundation establishment.

She came to search for the soul, afraid that she was the one who was destroyed.

Therefore, Yi Lianggong looked at the girl in front of him calmly, and answered her with a demeanor.

Seeing Yi Lianggong's expression of waiting for you, Quan Jiayun clicked his tongue lightly.

She likes to bully such people the most.

Quan Jiayun was not polite, she narrowed her eyes, and suddenly released a huge spiritual consciousness to invade Yi Lianggong's sea of ​​consciousness.

Spiritual consciousness is an intangible thing, but at this moment, Si Chengtian, who was standing not far from her, still immediately felt the coercion rising from her that was as huge as him at that moment.

Si Chengtian's eyes changed slightly.

Although he knew that Quan Jiayun had hidden many secrets and many unreasonable things, the coercion she displayed at this moment was still beyond his imagination.

Si Chengtian looked at Quan Jiayun's cold eyes, and then at the monk.

The monk's face seemed to be desperately resisting something, a lot of sweat poured out of his forehead in an instant, and at the same time, his face had become completely pale and bloodless.

Yes, Yi Lianggong was using all his spiritual senses to try to resist and invade Quan Jiayun's sea of ​​consciousness, but when the two divine senses collided, he knew he was wrong.

The opponent's spiritual consciousness is more than twice as strong as his, it is so vast.

This is not the consciousness of the Foundation Establishment period! ! !
This is the consciousness of Jindanqi.

Only then did Yi Lianggong realize that he was wrong. It seems that the old fox from the Fu family didn't move her because he discovered this point, but the old fox didn't mention it at all.

Yi Lianggong groaned incessantly, and hurriedly begged Quan Jiayun for mercy with his crushed and collapsed consciousness: "Senior, let me tell you what I say."

"You don't need to tell me."

Quan Jiayun's powerful spiritual consciousness completely invaded Yi Lianggong's sea of ​​consciousness.

Yi Lianggong's eyes, which were originally radiant, instantly dimmed.

A few minutes later, Quan Jiayun let go of his hand, looked at Si Chengtian and said, "Okay, all the information is in hand, I can tell you what you want to know."

Si Chengtian looked at the man who had obviously passed out, looked at Quan Jiayun and asked, "Who is Souhun?"

Since Quan Jiayun said it in front of him, he naturally didn't intend to hide it from him, and said with a smile: "It's also a small spell, but it's a spell to manipulate the consciousness, invade the other person's brain, and browse the person's life. "

(End of this chapter)

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