The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1238 Thank you for your suggestion

Chapter 1238 Thank you for your suggestion
When Si Chengtian heard Quan Jiayun's words, the color in his black eyes jumped slightly.

Browse this person's life, although this statement is simple, but its meaning is very scary, you can actually watch a person's whole life, no matter how powerful the current technology is, it cannot refine a person's memory.

The monk actually even has this kind of spell.

Compared with warriors who only cultivate their bodies, monks have too many methods.

While Si Chengtian was a little shocked, Quan Jiayun glanced at the man on the electric chair and said, "I have obtained the other information I want, what do you want to do with this general?"

Si Chengtian didn't answer her immediately, but looked at her and said, "What do you want to do?"

The corner of Quan Jiayun's mouth twitched, he looked straight at Si Chengtian and said, "Me? If I deal with it, of course I will kill him directly, or else I will be abolished. In short, I will not keep people who hate me alive."

She is someone who likes to hate her, as if she hates her to death, but can't kill her.

But she will not do nothing and let the other party live well.

Hearing this, Si Chengtian didn't feel that Quan Jiayun's thoughts were too extreme. It's normal to have such thoughts when facing someone who wants to kill him, and he won't tolerate this person who wants to kill her.

Si Chengtian was lucky, and he slapped Yi Lianggong's abdomen with a palm full of qi and strength.

As a result, Yi Lianggong, who was just about to wake up, passed out again, and this powerful palm broke Yi Lianggong's key meridians and destroyed Yi Lianggong's dantian.

In other words, if this person survives, he will not be a threat.

But Si Chengtian stayed alive after all.

Witnessing Si Chengtian's actions, Quan Jiayun slightly twitched the corner of his mouth, turned around and walked out without saying anything.

Si Chengtian quickly followed the pace.

Leaving this prison room, Si Chengtian explained a few more words to Adjutant Han, meaning that he would not let him go and keep him first, but he didn't need to be so tightly locked up.

Back in the living room, after dinner, after everyone retreated, Quan Jiayun told Si Chengtian about the information she got from her soul search.

This Quan Jiayun didn't fool Si Chengtian, but told the general situation.

After finishing speaking, she added: "However, although the location has been mentioned, it is not recommended that you take the initiative to lead people to attack them, or talk to them and enter their territory. These places are all equipped with formations. Yes, you build the foundation first."

Although the formations are not that powerful because they don't use spirit stones to operate, with Si Chengtian's ability, some formations can be defeated directly.

But this is compared to the power of individuals. If it is compared to the power of cooperation, Si Chengtian does not have a big advantage. Cultivators, especially families with inheritance, basically have some background.

Unless he can gather all Tier [-] warriors and only attack one place.

So she doesn't recommend it.

Of course, if it was someone else, she would not hesitate to provoke the two parties to fight directly. Anyway, it has nothing to do with the matter, and she always likes to watch the excitement.

After all, I owe him a favor, so I still have to say some suggestions.

She knew that Si Chengtian would not directly choose to attack, but he would definitely want to join forces.

When Si Chengtian heard her suggestion, his heart warmed up. He looked at her and replied, "Well, thank you for your suggestion."

At this time, Si Chengtian's black eyes seemed to be entwined with countless affections, deep and long.

Quan Jiayun was so disgusted that he couldn't see it.

(End of this chapter)

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