Chapter 1240 Teaching
However, because this special substance is obtained from a monster, it is very rare, so a larger fighter can't use it at all.

At this moment, Quan Jiayun followed on the fighter plane, looked at Si Chengtian who was sitting down at the console, raised his eyebrows and asked, "There is no one else, just the two of us?"


Si Chengtian responded with an affirmative answer, and began to operate on the console with his hands. Quan Jiayun watched his skillful movements, and his eyes flicked to Si Chengtian's handsome side face. Very unexpected.

Just two people.

Where is Si Chengtian taking her?
Isn't it to take her on a date?

Quan Jiayun thought a little funny, and just turned his eyes away when he heard Si Chengtian's calm voice.

"Sit on my lap."

ha?Quan Jiayun blinked and looked at Si Chengtian.

Si Chengtian met her gaze, but did not avoid it. With a serious and handsome face, he said solemnly: "Don't you want to learn how to fly a fighter jet? Now I will teach you how to operate it."

When Si Chengtian asked her to sit on his lap, he really didn't have too many distracting thoughts. He really just wanted to teach her. Ever since he saw her ask the officers below for advice, he had thought about teaching her that way as well.

Quan Jiayun's eyes moved again, she had indeed said it, but it turned out that she had never learned it well.

Now that someone wants to teach, it doesn't hurt to learn.

Quan Jiayun glanced at Si Chengtian's long legs wrapped under military trousers, and was silent for a second, without being shy, he straddled his slender legs and sat up very frankly.

When Si Chengtian was talking about it, when he was thinking about it, he didn't have too many distracting thoughts. At this moment, when Quan Jiayun sat up and smelled the fragrance on her body, Si Chengtian's body tensed up a little. .

He pursed his lips and let out a slow breath.

Fortunately, it is not summer, and the clothes on both of them are not thin.

Si Chengtian quickly calmed down, put his hands aside Quan Jiayun's body, and held her hand.

The warmth from the palm, and the warmth from the back, made Quan Jiayun's lowered eyes blink slightly.

Although Quan Jiayun had been intimate with Si Chengtian several times, she felt a little uncomfortable every time she handed over her back, because for Quan Jiayun, the back is definitely not a place that can be easily handed over to others.

However, because Si Chengtian was too sincere, he didn't see any malice towards her.

The last time he sat behind her on a horse, did she allow him to approach her in this posture.

"First step..." Accompanied by a deep voice beside his ear, those slender big hands held Quan Jiayun's hand, guiding Quan Jiayun to operate on the console, teaching Quan Jiayun step by step.

The voice that is usually pleasant to listen to, is even more pleasant to hear now.

In layman's terms, the ears are about to become pregnant.

Quan Jiayun moved his fingers on the control, but he didn't fully focus on it in his mind, but thought with a smile, Si Chengtian must be seducing her with this kind of teaching.

However, she did not resent such a temptation.

After the boring practice, having such a superb man by his side also relieves the body and mind.

Quan Jiayun relaxed and enjoyed such teaching.

Under such teaching control, the fighter plane started to fly into the sky.

Si Chengtian still didn't let go of his hand, and was still whispering in Quan Jiayun's ear the essentials and how to control the thermal weapons installed on the fighter plane.

With Quan Jiayun's spiritual sense, and she probably heard the operation process before, Quan Jiayun really had to learn very quickly, but this time, Quan Jiayun was not in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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