Chapter 1241

Quan Jiayun learned slowly, and Si Chengtian also taught slowly.

The two of them stuck close together with their hands close together, but Si Chengtian didn't do anything else, and he was very calm all the time.

After waiting for a few minutes, Si Chengtian gradually let go of his hand and was controlled by Quan Jiayun.

In this regard, the corner of Quan Jiayun's lips hooked up.

After all, Si Chengtian is a goose, he wants to please her, but he doesn't know how to do it, he is stupid.

Si Chengtian had no idea what Quan Jiayun was thinking. Seeing that the fighter plane was driving steadily in Quan Jiayun's hands alone, he encouraged him, "Yes, that's it."

As soon as Si Chengtian finished speaking, the fighter plane shook and tilted immediately.

Seeing this, Si Chengtian hurried to shake Quan Jiayun's hand.

However, Quan Jiayun turned around at this moment, grabbed Si Chengtian's hand, leaned over and pecked Si Chengtian's lips, grinned a nasty smile, stared at Si Chengtian and said, "Don't touch it."

This smile is vicious and evil, like a devil in the abyss.

Crazy, so crazy.

Si Chengtian's pupils shrank suddenly, seeing her like this, his heart was hit hard again.

"do not……"

Si Chengtian wanted to say stop making trouble, and wanted to break free from her hand, but her strength was astonishing.

Especially at this time, Quan Jiayun leaned over and bit him.

Si Chengtian trembled all over.

His mind knew he should go to control the console now.

Because he could feel that the fighter plane had flipped over and was falling rapidly.

However, under Quan Jiayun's action, Si Chengtian still sank into it after all.

During the interval of rational struggle, Si Chengtian thought, when he falls, he just needs to hold her tightly and protect her. At most, he will suffer some injuries, so why not be crazy with her.

Thus, Si Chengtian, who had always followed the rules, completely went crazy with Quan Jiayun.

This is an extremely crazy and exciting kiss.

Because the danger is at hand.


In an instant, the fighter plane was about to slam into the ground of the outer city. If the fighter plane was not invisible at this time, it would immediately stir up discussions among the people below.

Fortunately it was invisible.

However, at this critical moment, Quan Jiayun suddenly pushed Si Chengtian back, and looked down at him with a smile in his eyes.

Si Chengtian's heart trembled again when he met Shangquan Jiayun's dark eyes.

Quan Jiayun turned around with a smile, and quickly moved his fingers on the console.

Under Quan Jiayun's extremely fast and flexible control, the fighter plane that was about to fall to touch the ground was rescued by Quan Jiayun in a very thrilling and tortuous way. Soon after 1 minute, the fighter plane flew to the sky above the clouds again .

With this technique, it can be seen that Quan Jiayun did it on purpose just now.

She obviously learned it.

But just now she made such a crazy move.

Si Chengtian's heart was still beating.

He looked at Quan Jiayun's back, and after the plane stabilized, he leaned against her, wrapped his arms around Quan Jiayun's waist, bit her ear, and said in a low voice, "You're scary again."

Quan Jiayun raised his eyebrows with a smile on his face and said, "Is it just scary? Don't tell me you weren't fascinated by me and crazy about me just now."

Si Chengtian looked at her radiant and smug look, and wanted to say no, so that she would not be so arrogant next time, but he really liked her smug and smug look, so in the end he replied honestly: "Yes. .”

(End of this chapter)

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