1269 Departure 1
The two artifacts were a long-handled sword and a shield, which Quan Jiayun obtained as spoils from the few monks he killed last time.

She thought the quality was not low, and even if the magic circle inside was not activated, it was quite suitable for warriors, so she kept it for Quan Zhengcheng.

In short, what Quan Jiayun left behind was as much as possible, which could improve Quan Zhengcheng's advanced third-tier warrior and help him fight against the thunder disaster.

The lowest value is the weapon.

Weapons are just add-ons, after all, no matter how good the guarantee is, it is not as advanced as his own.

The warrior's second-tier ninth-level peak and third-tier are not at the same level, but an earth-shaking transformation.

However, although the things she left can increase Quan Zhengcheng's success rate in advancing to the third-tier warrior.

But whether it can be successful or not ultimately depends on the individual.

After all, on this path of cultivation against the sky, there is no 100% success rate. It can be said that it will be more difficult in the later stages.

Quan Jiayun put away the things that should be put away, removed the soundproof cover, and walked out without nostalgia.

She had done what had to be done.

The next thing is Quan Zhengcheng's fortune. I hope he can become better.

Quan Jiayun stepped to the door and opened it.

The sound of the door brought Quan Zhengcheng back to his senses. Hearing the sound, he suddenly looked at Quan Jiayun, but only had time to see a figure from behind.

Quan Zhengcheng looked at the back of the other party leaving, stepped forward, and wanted to catch up and say something.

In the end, instead of chasing after him, he turned his head and looked at what Quan Jiayun had left behind.

When the same thing came into his eyes, Quan Zhengcheng had the tendency to cry again.

What the other party gave was excellent, especially the exercise that was passed into his mind, which was simply unheard of and never seen before. It would definitely cause people to loot it once it was taken out.

He slid his throat and grabbed these high-level things that are hard to buy.

He stood there, his mind was like watching a lantern, thinking of the little things he had gotten along with this person in the past six months.

Although the two didn't spend much time together, there was no special father-daughter drama.

Although he only regarded her as his daughter at the time, the scenes he got along with were not fake.

Various pictures emerged, and Quan Zhengcheng's inner emotions became more fluctuating.

He thought, that was also his daughter whom he had truly loved for half a year! !
How could he ignore this.

Quan Zhengcheng put away the things, and then quickly chased them out.

As soon as he arrived at the living room, he eagerly asked the people who were still in the living room: "Where is my daughter, she came out just now..."

Quan Zhengfeng saw the eager look of his elder brother, and didn't know what happened, but he immediately pointed to the upstairs and replied: "I went upstairs, what's wrong?"

Quan Zhengcheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when he heard that she hadn't left yet.

He said quickly: "Nothing."

Then, a few strides quickly went upstairs.

Arriving in front of Quan Jiayun's door, Quan Zhengcheng paused again when he knocked on the door, because at this moment he remembered the other party's powerful coercion, such a powerful coercion, even in his heart...but he Can you really treat the other party as a daughter?
Thinking of this, Quan Zhengcheng took a deep breath.

No matter what the relationship could be in the future, there are some things he wants to say to her now.

Just when Quan Zhengcheng made a plan and was about to knock on the door, the door was opened from the inside, and then, inside and outside the door, the four eyes met.

(End of this chapter)

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