1270 Departure 2
Quan Jiayun stared at Quan Zhengcheng for two seconds, then smiled and said, "Is there anything else, Father Cheng?"

Hearing this name, Quan Zhengcheng's heart trembled.

He remembered the surprise when she was willing to call him Cheng Dad.

He pursed his lips, looked away at the situation in the room, then withdrew his gaze, looked at Quan Jiayun and said in a low voice, "Are you leaving now? Don't wait until tomorrow."

Quan Jiayun looked back at him, and replied calmly: "Well, let's go now."

When she came upstairs, she had already packed the things that should be packed. She didn't have many things left here, and she mainly opened them to look at the presents they sent just now.

After getting this affirmative answer, Quan Zhengcheng was silent for a second, and didn't say much, only said three words.

"I send you."

Because he had no reason to stop the other party from leaving.

"it is good."

Quan Jiayun didn't refuse either, and the two walked outside one after the other.

Seeing the father and daughter walking outside, the others didn't ask much.

Quan Zhengcheng went to the garage to pick up a car to send to Quan Jiayun, and when the car carrying the two of them was driving on the right track, Quan Zhengcheng asked, "You said you left this place to find your parents, you meant you left the Southwest Base Is this place?"

Quan Jiayun: "Well, I'm going to the East China Base."

Quan Zhengcheng hesitated and said, "What are the names of your parents? Maybe I can help you find them."

Quan Jiayun declined.

"No need."

It's not that she can't trust Quan Zhengcheng, it's just that she is habitually defensive. It is enough for her to expose her true cultivation in front of Quan Zhengcheng.

Hearing Quan Jiayun's refusal, Quan Zhengcheng didn't continue to ask, because the other party's attitude was obvious, and asking any more would involve other people's privacy.

He then asked, "Where are you taking me now?"

Quan Jiayun said lightly: "Go to General Si."

General Secretary?
When Quan Zhengcheng heard this term, something suddenly entered his brain.

Before, he only knew that General Si was interested in his daughter's talents, and he didn't think much about other things. For example, he didn't even dare to think about General Si's interest in her daughter's inner affairs.

Now that I know the other party's true cultivation, and recall the details, I feel that this is unusual.

Among them, there was a piece of information that got into Quan Zhengcheng's brain. One night before, Yuqi said that someone broke into her room, and that person couldn't be General Si.

Quan Zhengcheng felt more and more that his guess was correct, but even though he had guessed such a large amount of information, Quan Zhengcheng didn't make a fuss and asked.

He drove the car in silence and did not speak again.

Quan Jiayun didn't say much.

In silence, Quan Zhengcheng quickly drove the car outside the general's residence. Within a few meters of the manor, he stopped the car and did not drive directly in, because that required a permit.

After the car stopped, Quan Zhengcheng turned his head, looked at Quan Jiayun and said seriously again: "May I ask your real name?"

Quan Jiayun met Shang Quan Zhengcheng's gaze, smiled dazzledly and said, "Quan Jiayun, my name is also Quan Jiayun."

Such a coincidence?
Quan Zhengcheng was startled, looked at her in surprise, and murmured in a low voice: "Is your name Quan Jiayun too?"

Quan Jiayun smiled and said: "Yes, that's right, a very wonderful hit."

Quan Zhengcheng's heart was shaken, he didn't know what kind of coincidence it was, maybe it was fate!

It turned out that the person who occupied his daughter's body was also named Quan Jiayun.

(End of this chapter)

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