1273 Departure 5
In the past, Quan Jiayun didn't care about his thoughts at all, nor how uncomfortable he would be. She only wanted to make herself happy.

Now, she was somewhat concerned about his feelings.

After all, she is not a grass, so she cannot be absolutely ruthless.

Quan Jiayun's eyes flashed, he turned and entered the door.

Soaking in the comfortable spiritual spring water, Quan Jiayun leaned her head on the edge and closed her eyes, her face looked cold and heartless, no one could see what she was thinking.

On the other side, Si Chengtian lay down on the bed after taking a shower and doing some business.

He didn't go to find Quan Jiayun.

Although he really wanted to, it was quite cheeky to say it by sending hot milk every night.

So, Si Chengtian hesitated for a while, but finally held back.

He told himself that the future will last forever, so don't make her feel disgusted.

Only the feelings that flow slowly can last forever.

However, even though lying on the bed, for some reason, he seemed to suddenly feel uneasy, and lay on the bed for a long time without falling asleep.

This is extremely rare for Si Chengtian who can fall asleep quickly while lying down.

Just when Si Chengtian closed his eyes and was having trouble falling asleep, lightning suddenly rumbled in the sky outside, followed by intense and loud thunder, and the rumbling thunder made Si Chengtian open his eyes.

He frowned slightly and looked out the window.

thunder?This kind of weather is relatively rare in winter, because thunderstorms are generally more common in summer.

So someone is advancing?

Si Chengtian stared out of the window for a while, and then looked at the thick wall. He knew that she would never be afraid of thunder and lightning. He was just thinking, did the thunder wake her up?

Si Chengtian stared at it for two seconds, then got up suddenly, opened the door, and walked towards the huge balcony.

As soon as he walked out, Si Chengtian was acutely aware of something. He immediately turned around and turned his head. Sure enough, he saw Quan Jiayun on the balcony over there.

She is also standing outside the balcony.

Affected by his gaze, Quan Jiayun, who was looking at the sky, lowered his eyes and turned his head this way.


At this time, the sky lit up with a thunderbolt again.

Bright lightning illuminated the faces of the two, illuminating each other's faces clearly.

Looking at each other, Si Chengtian made a neat jump and jumped directly to the balcony on Quan Jiayun's side.

Si Chengtian looked at her and said, "I was woken up."

Quan Jiayun responded lightly, "En."

Si Chengtian looked at the thunder and lightning that still did not stop in the sky, squinted his eyes slightly, and said: "The weather predicts that there will be no thunderstorm today. It seems that someone is advancing. They just said that this is an advanced stage. It's too big."

None of the Tier [-] warriors he had seen advanced, or himself, had ever seen such a large formation.

As he spoke, he looked at Quan Jiayun, and he knew that she would definitely have an answer.

Receiving his gaze, Quan Jiayun smiled, looked at the sky and said: "Of course this is a big battle, because this is not the advancement of warriors, but the catastrophe of monks."

In the early stage, the Heavenly Tribulation of spiritual cultivation is more powerful than the Heavenly Tribulation of martial arts for body training.

Si Chengtian looked at the sky and paid in secret. He was indeed a monk. After dealing with this group several times, he now understood a little bit.

However, because he has not fully joined in, there are still limitations in the end.

Si Chengtian looked at Lei Yun, and then asked: "What kind of advancement does this kind of catastrophe belong to?"

(End of this chapter)

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