1274 Departure 6
Quan Jiayun replied indifferently: "The foundation-building stage advances to the golden core stage. In analogy, it means that a second-level warrior advances to a third-level one. However, monks are different from your body-refining warriors, and they cannot be compared completely. "

Hearing this, Si Chengtian's eyes darkened.

It turns out that there is such a catastrophe in the advanced golden core period only in the foundation building period. Modern people have also studied this kind of thunder catastrophe. The stronger the person advances, the more powerful the thunder catastrophe will be.

It can be seen that the monks at the early stage of the golden core stage are completely stronger than those at the early stage of the third-tier warriors.

Si Chengtian thought, his eyes moved again.

What about Jiayun!
What kind of cultivation has she reached?
He believed that it was definitely more than what she said, that the Qi refining was perfect.

Si Chengtian looked down at Quan Jiayun.

Quan Jiayun's eyes diverged from the sky, met his gaze, looked at him and said: "Is there anything else you want to ask?

Si Chengtian pursed his lips, but in the end he didn't ask, he said, "It's just that I have a feeling, why such a powerful monk hides in a dark place and doesn't show up in the world."

Quan Jiayun said: "It's very simple, the idea of ​​egoists is not present now, it does not mean that they will not be present in the future, when they have enough ability to completely surpass warriors, they will appear in this world.

Si Chengtian could actually guess this.

Therefore, his heart is a little heavy.

Whether it is from a rational or emotional point of view, he does not want human beings to kill each other. After all, the monsters are still watching, and the worries have not been eliminated.

In his mind, it would be great if monks and warriors could join forces to fight against monsters.

But obviously, this is an idealistic idea, and this matter will not be so easy.

Just as the two of them were watching the thunder disaster side by side, there was a bean-sized raindrop in the sky, and Si Chengtian subconsciously wanted to hug her into the house. Just as he was about to make a move, an umbrella was suspended covered the heads of the two.

That was the ice silk umbrella that Si Chengtian gave Quan Jiayun.

The glowing white umbrella not only covered the raindrops above the sky, but also brought a very soft glowing white light to the two of them, as if they were under a hazy and beautiful filter.

Seeing the umbrella, Si Chengtian stopped his movements.

Quan Jiayun narrowed his eyes and looked ahead. At this moment, pea-sized raindrops were falling, and the thunderbolt was still flashing across the sky, illuminating the faces of the two of them from time to time.

In the silence, Quan Jiayun looked at the falling raindrops, and said lightly: "General Si, do you think the life of this rain is too short, from birth to return to the earth, but it ends in just one breath, If Yu also has its own consciousness, will it regret that its life is over like this, and it has not been able to see the world more."

Si Chengtian didn't expect her to suddenly say that this was a metaphor.

He didn't know how to answer her,
He looked at the rain, fell silent for a while, and said: "It is true, but this is the law of the cycle of heaven and earth. However, although its life course is short, it has brought vitality to countless lives. Therefore, I think, if it really Consciousness should not only have regrets, just like human beings, if there is a moment in life that is bright and vigorous, then there will be no regrets when you leave."

Quan Jiayun smiled, turned to look at Si Chengtian, and said with burning eyes: "It's good to say, but if it were me, I wouldn't be satisfied with just that moment."

(End of this chapter)

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