The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1303 Is it enough to sit on an equal footing now?

Chapter 1303 Is it enough to sit on an equal footing now?

Amidst the heart-piercing screams, Chang Dayong fell down. Amidst the screams, he struggled to turn his head and shouted loudly: "Young Master...Gao Ye..."

Before he could say the word save me, he saw the sole of a shoe in his field of vision.

As soon as his pupils dilated, his face was severely trampled by this kick before he could block it with his hand.

Kacha, the bridge of his nose was crushed abruptly, and what he wanted to say was blocked by a mouthful of blood.

This simply made Chang Dayong's pain worse.

The bridge of his nose was stepped on, and his nosebleeds flowed horizontally. At this moment, his breathing was simply uncomfortable, not to mention the blood flowing back from his mouth. At this moment, he was completely full of energy and blood, and his eyes went dark.

But he is a warrior of the second rank and ninth rank.

Even if one of his legs was cut off abruptly, even if his whole body was in pain, he still hadn't completely lost his strength. When his face was stepped down, he hugged Quan Jiayun's leg with both hands up.

Break his leg too! !

Under the soles of his feet, the eyes in the eye sockets bulged fiercely. Under the sensation of pain, he exerted his greatest strength so far, trying to break her leg abruptly.

However, he thought well and reacted well, but while he was hugging Quan Jiayun's leg, the knife in Quan Jiayun's hand pierced through his shoulder blade fiercely, destroying his meridians.

Under the severe pain, he couldn't use any strength in his hands.

And taking advantage of his pause, Quan Jiayun also disabled his other hand.

At this point, both of his arms hang down feebly,
Quan Jiayun's feet also moved away at this time.

At this moment, Chang Dayong was limp on the ground like a dead fish, blood was spreading everywhere, because it was difficult to breathe through his nose, he opened his mouth wide like a fish, breathing continuously and panting heavily.

But his consciousness obviously hasn't disappeared yet.

He also opened a pair of bloodshot eyes, the eyeballs of which were almost bursting out of the eye sockets, and looked at the face above with a horrified gaze, as if seeing a demon.

At this moment, he looked at that beautiful face without any lust.

What's more, his brain was in a state of sluggishness and stiffness.

He didn't expect that he would be overturned by such a surprise attack, and he was defeated almost completely without the ability to fight back.

He didn't expect that she, who looked weak, would have such ability.

He thought it was a woman who was easy to bully.

He stared at her blankly, only instinctively afraid.

Quan Jiayun lowered his eyes, looking at him like this, he felt pleasing to the eye.

She smiled happily, looked at him, and said softly and mockingly: "Want me? Do you have that ability?"

The half-closed eyes were full of evil mockery, which made her face suddenly brighter, and she, who was stained red with blood, had a thrilling charm at this moment.

Chang Dayong, who was covered by the shadow of her upper body, saw her smile like this, trembling all over, and leaked urine.

Quan Jiayun wasn't looking at the dead fish-like person on the ground. She looked back at Jiang Ce who was standing there, with the corners of her mouth slightly curled up, and her lips parted slightly.

"Jiang Shao, is it enough to be equal now?"

The pure and magnetic voice, completely different from the crisp voice of the little girl, resounded in this room, causing everyone to return from another dimension.

Looking at the woman standing there, covered in blood, with a slight smile on her mouth.

Everyone's heart beat at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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