The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1304 You are very capable

Chapter 1304 You are very capable

1 minute ago, except for Zhan Hu, the few people may have been uncertain.

Everyone else didn't pay attention to this woman at all. Looking at this woman can be said to be like looking at a weak ant.

And who cares about the feelings of a weak ant?
Now, 1 minute later, the person who used to fight with them, Chang Dayong, the second-rank and ninth-tier Chang Dayong, was lying on the ground bloody, dying, with his hands and feet crippled.

In the meantime, Chang Dayong didn't even have a chance to resist, and it can be said that he was completely crushed.

This situation shocked everyone.

Zhan Hu and the others looked at Quan Jiayun and paid in secret. Sure enough, she is not an ordinary person. Moreover, even if she makes a move, they can't see where her upper limit is. This is the most terrifying thing.

The warriors under Jiang Ce looked at her, and at Chang Dayong on the ground. Everyone's expression was no longer the same as before, and every face became serious.

And Tong Xin was even more dumbfounded. She thought this woman was the same person as her, but in the end...

Looking at the person in the pool of blood on the ground, she swallowed a mouthful of saliva with a dry throat, and quietly stood behind Jiang Ce, because it was obvious that she would never do such a thing.

So far, Tong Xin's view of this woman has changed.

Compared with the people below them, Jiang Ce and the two third-tier warriors were shocked by the situation, but they were naturally much calmer.

Jiang Ce looked at Quan Jiayun's smiling eyes, and glanced at the blood-stained scimitar in her hand.

From his angle just now, he could see clearly that she pulled out Chang Dayong's machete and stabbed him.

Chang Dayong's saber, he knew that he was the one who rewarded it.

Forged from the horn of a third-order monster, it is extremely sharp. It is no problem to pierce a second-order warrior, but even though the knife is sharp, if its own strength is not enough, it will not be able to pierce the flesh of a second-tier warrior.

So even though she was a sneak attack, taking advantage of Chang Dayong's unpreparedness to attack, that is also her skill.

So at the first moment, he stopped Li Zigao's attack, wanting to continue to see her true ability after the sneak attack. Of course, at this time, he still has confidence in his subordinates.

Stabbing a knife is nothing to a martial artist, the difference in strength is huge, and it is easy to turn the tables.

Unexpectedly, what happened next completely exceeded his expectations.

The injured Chang Dayong no longer has the ability to resist because of this injury.

Jiang Ce's eyes slid back from the blood-stained scimitar, looking at this woman, it was the first time he really saw her as a person.

He stared at her, a smile slowly rising from the corner of his mouth.

He said: "Enough, of course it is enough to be equal, you are very capable."

Jiang Ce applauded her twice as he spoke.

But in the next second, when he let go of his hand, the smile that had just been evoked suddenly became cold and severe.

He looked at her, and suddenly changed his voice: "However, if you want to show your ability, you can show it by hunting monsters. Is there anyone who would tell you to touch me?"

Facing the situation where the other party turned his back on him, Quan Jiayun expressed his innocence: "You didn't say it, but you didn't say it either. People who can't touch you, you just let me show my ability, right?"

Quan Jiayun's back talking made the already tense atmosphere even more tense.

The warriors under Jiang Ce all looked at this woman in disbelief.

(End of this chapter)

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