The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1333 One punch and one palm

Chapter 1333 One Punch One Palm


In front of the generous big palm is a huge vortex of true energy stirred up by the palm wind, which can be described as fierce and domineering, as if it wants to beat Quan Jiayun to death.

An ordinary person might think that he was seen through.

Therefore, Jiang Weiran suddenly killed him.

Quan Jiayun didn't have the slightest fear, because she wasn't worried about being seen through, and even if she was seen through, she couldn't kill everyone here, she still had a way to escape.

Therefore, in the face of this powerful palm, she did not dodge.

Instead, it was the same as Jiang Ce used to face his father. When she raised her hand, her front legs arched, her back legs straightened, and she gathered spiritual power in her palm to pretend to be her power, so that she could actually face Jiang Weiran.

The two palms clapped together, not a crisp crackling sound, but the bang of true energy and strength.

At the moment when the fierce wind blew the hair and clothes of the two of them into the air, in the posture of facing each other, Quan Jiayun was shocked by the opponent's powerful force and slid out a few meters.

At a distance of eight or nine meters, and seven or eight meters away from the wall here, Quan Jiayun's back slide barely stopped.

Could it be that Quan Jiayun is completely pretending, only comparing strength, she is absolutely no match for Tier [-] fighters, her strength lies in her magical powers, not her body and strength.

However, although he slid back, Quan Jiayun still resisted.

A flash of satisfaction flashed in Jiang Weiran's eyes, and then he stretched out, turned sideways and punched again.

Naturally, Quan Jiayun didn't meet directly with this punch.

She improved Jiang Ce's footwork. A tricky dodge and walk avoided Jiang Weiran's blow, and at the same time shortened the distance between the two. Quan Jiayun's footwork made Jiang Weiran stunned. Bright.

He didn't try any more.

For high-level warriors, they can know whether the opponent has it or not with every move.

He stopped immediately, looked at Jiang Ce and said calmly: "Yes, you have made some progress in the past three years, but I thought you would be promoted to Tier [-] Warrior and come back in these three years."

Quan Jiayun met his gaze and replied: "I've let you down, I didn't dare."

This was the original Jiang Ce's real thought. Jiang Ce was afraid of failure and died, so he didn't dare to take this step after all. Instead, he came back and planned to ask his family to help.

According to Jiang Ce's memory, as long as he enters the Jiang family's ancestral land, the promotion rate is very high.

As for how the previous generation was promoted, Jiang Ce didn't know.

Quan Jiayun guessed that this was a secret of the Jiang family.

Jiang Weiran didn't really want to blame him, he just hit it like this.

Up to now, he didn't see any clues, and he didn't know that his son had been replaced. He said: "The matter of promotion will be arranged here at that time. I will tell you what to do. You said it was done. There is nothing wrong along the way." Throw it away."

Quan Jiayun narrowed his eyes, this problem was the key point.

Because Jiang Ce left for three years this time, it was not just for training. He was arranged to go to the base in Kyoto to perform a mission.

If she hadn't searched the soul to obtain Jiang Ce's memory, she wouldn't be able to answer now, and she would be exposed.

However, she searched for her soul.

Quan Jiayun replied: "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life. Although I encountered a few dangers, I still brought the things back safely. At this time, someone has sent them to your room."

Jiang Weiran finally showed a gleam of joy when he heard this.

"Okay, okay, you go to rest first."

Jiang Weiran walked out quickly as he spoke.

After taking two steps, he suddenly remembered something, turned his head to look at Quan Jiayun and said, "I heard that Li Zigao and the others didn't come back with you, what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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