Chapter 1334 Hard work

Quan Jiayun knew that he would ask, so he said what he had already thought about.

And the rhetoric is that they encountered powerful monsters on the road, and after a thrilling battle, they finally sacrificed themselves and saved themselves, leaving only a Tier [-] warrior she received at the Kyoto base to survive.

After listening to his son's explanation, Jiang Weiran frowned.

The loss of two not-so-strong Tier [-] fighters is nothing to the Jiang family, but it is still a pity. However, because the other party is not from the Jiang family, he will die if he dies. Jiang Weiran doesn't feel very much. .

He was a little worried when he got the news before, and he was worried about something.

However, when he heard that his son had almost died, his mood still fluctuated.

Although he wasn't the only son of Jiang Ce, but Jiang Ce was the most diligent among them, and he was also the most optimistic. Letting him go out was a last resort.

He looked at his son and comforted him.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Quan Jiayun said: "It's not hard."

Jiang Weiran took a deep look at his son, went out without saying anything.

Seeing Jiang Weiran's leaving back, Quan Jiayun narrowed her eyes slightly, she knew that the other party was anxious to see something.

Because the task given by the Jiang family to Jiang Ce was to dig out a hidden treasure, and at the same time let Jiang Ce lead the Jiang family there.

Naturally, Jiayun Quan Jiayun had already seen the hidden treasure. It was a former monk's cave, and he didn't know where the Jiang family knew the location of the hidden treasure, so they traveled all the way to find it.

However, those involving important exercises were collected by Quan Jiayun, and now only some broken weapons and some broken magic arts are left.

In short, I believe that Jiang Weiran will not be happy after watching it.

After Jiang Weiran left, Quan Jiayun quickly left the training room and returned to her home.

Of course, her home refers to Jiang Ce's residence.

The tableware for the luxurious cleansing banquet inside has already been set, and all the beauties are sitting there one by one, only the top seat is reserved, and it is obvious that the banquet will begin as soon as she arrives.

This is really all the beauties welcoming their emperor.

Everyone's eyes are so bright looking at her.

Quan Jiayun looked at this scene, and the corners of his mouth turned up. It's no wonder that men like to have a harem. It is indeed a very pleasant thing to be surrounded by a group of fragrant and soft girls.

After all, every beauty is unique.

It looks very pleasing to the eye.

Facing these gazes, Quan Jiayun went to the top seat and sat down.

As soon as she sat down, someone immediately washed Quan Jiayun's hands with a basin, and Quan Jiayun didn't refuse, as others took care of her, and under the eyes of all the beauties, she said unhurriedly: "Let's open the table. "

With Quan Jiayun's order, rich dishes were served one by one.

As soon as this dish was served, Quan Jiayun didn't look at all the beauty, but only focused on the food. In the past few days in the wilderness area, although her food was not bad, it was definitely not as good as such elaborate cooking.

However, although Quan Jiayun only focused on food, the beauty who sat at the front next to him was obviously unwilling to let go of this opportunity to get close to the young master.

"Young Master, try this kind of shrimp, it's very fresh and tender, it's your favorite flavor."

This beauty peeled the shrimp for Quan Jiayun and put it on the plate.

Immediately, the beauty on the opposite side saw it, and immediately stretched out her hand not to be outdone, and said coquettishly, "Young master, try this steamed pork ribs, which are made from five-color divine cow steaks. It definitely suits your appetite."

(End of this chapter)

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