The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1346 Let You Go

Chapter 1346 Let You Go

Just when her heart was pounding and feeling uneasy, Quan Jiayun finally spoke. She looked at the woman's face and said, "Three years ago, what cultivation level were you?"

The beauty didn't expect the young master to ask this, so she couldn't help being startled.

But she immediately realized that maybe the young master couldn't remember clearly, so she immediately replied: "Three years ago, I was at the first level and ninth level, and now I am at the second level and third level."

Hearing this, Quan Jiayun narrowed his eyes slightly.

After the second level, the speed of advancing once a year is not fast for ordinary people, but it is not too slow.

Quan Jiayun looked down at her and said, "Didn't my family give you resources after I left?"

The beauty's face changed when she heard this, and she hurriedly said: "No, no, I mean no, no resources will be given to me, and we will receive a share of resources every month."

Hearing her answer, Quan Jiayun squeezed her chin slightly with his fingers, and rubbed her chin with his thumb. A smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he lowered his head towards her.

Suddenly meeting this smile, and seeing the young master bullying her, the beauty forgot the pain on her chin, she was completely confused by this smile, she thought the young master wanted to kiss her, so she closed her eyes obediently. eyes.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he felt the young master's breath approaching.

However, the young master didn't seem to kiss her, but touched her ear, and the scorching breath sprayed on the ear and cheek, and the beauty felt that her body was getting hot.

And at the moment when her whole body was warm, the young master's words poured on her body like icy cold water.

"What do you expect, do you expect me to pamper you?"

Hearing this, the beauty suddenly opened her eyes.

Quan Jiayun's cruel words did not stop.

"Don't dream, you don't look at your appearance, you are not attractive, you don't have any independent personality, you have resources, and you don't know how to practice hard. What's the use of just pleasing me, except for sleeping What am I for?"

After finishing speaking, Quan Jiayun withdrew his upper body and shook his hands heavily.

Immediately, the force of gravity caused the girl to tilt her head, and she stepped back a few steps one after another. After she stabilized her body, she raised her head and looked at the young master in fear and astonishment.

Quan Jiayun looked down at her coldly and said: "It's good to do it for yourself. I won't ask you to sleep with me anymore. If you don't want to stay in Jiang's house anymore, I can let you go. Come to me when you think about it."

After speaking, Quan Jiayun left.

The woman named Wen Zishu was left standing there, staring blankly at the direction in which the young master disappeared, completely unable to believe what she heard.

The young master let her go?
I used to be with the young master, who made the young master tired of seeing a woman who never wanted to see, and never left, because the young master is the kind of person who has been touched by himself, and he will never allow others to touch him.

Either he has been working alone in the Jiang family for the Jiang family, or he was killed directly.

Now, he said he wanted her to go? ?

For a moment, Wen Zishu couldn't tell whether it was real or the bait thrown by the young master for fishing.


Quan Jiayun doesn't care what that woman thinks, she has already given her the opportunity, and it's up to that woman whether she wants it or not.

Thinking that Jiang Ce still had a group of harem to deal with, Quan Jiayun couldn't help but click his tongue lightly.

What a hassle.

Originally, she didn't want to intervene, and she could do whatever she wanted, but she still resented how women depended on men to live like this, so she still pointed out the way for them.

(End of this chapter)

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