The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1347 Tang Haoyue

Chapter 1347 Tang Haoyue

Because of this woman, Quan Jiayun remembered a contrary example at this moment.

It seems that some of these women were obtained by Jiang Ce through coercive means, just like some CEO novels, if something happens, I will imprison you if I like you.

Those who died were not counted, and those who became aware of current affairs were not counted. Jiang Ce was deeply impressed, and there was a very stubborn woman who he never forgot. In his memory, it seemed that Jiang Ce would hit her once in bed with her.

It turned out that Jiang Ce was most concerned about this woman who had never been tamed. When he left, he deliberately did not take the woman away for her safety.

But it seems that the woman at the reception banquet in the afternoon did not appear.

It seems that after Jiang Ce left, he moved to the servant area. After Jiang Ce called back, he asked the woman to answer the phone, but he didn't answer.

It's quite individual.

Quan Jiayun thought, see you then.

Tonight, Quan Jiayun didn't have the energy to toss around anymore. After searching for her all night with his consciousness, he was already tired at this time, and now she just lay down to rest for a while.

Unexpectedly, when she returned to the room, there was still a person lying on the bed.

As soon as the thin quilt was lifted, there was a woman in tulle, lying there half exposed and half concealed, it was not that Tong Xin or anyone else.

Seeing this scene, Quan Jiayun's eyelids twitched.

It's endless.

In the next moment, she was neither polite nor sympathetic, she directly grabbed Tong Xin by the neck, and picked up the man like a chicken. With this lift, Tong Xin woke up.

She blinked.

"Little Lord……"

Before he could say two words, Quan Jiayun threw Tong Xin onto the floor outside the door, bang... The loud sound woke up some people on the second floor.

Quan Jiayun looked at Tong Xin and said coldly: "There will be no next time, if you dare to trespass into my room next time, I will take your hands off."

Tong Xin, who was dizzy from being bumped and had some pain in her buttocks, turned around when she heard this, and shuddered when she met such cold eyes.

Bang, the door was shut.

Poor Tong Xin, who was only wearing a tulle dress, sat on the cold ground and couldn't accept this reality for a long time, although the young master sometimes ignored her.

But at this time, she has never been thrown out. She can be regarded as the young master's favorite one in the last few months.

Why did she change as soon as she arrived at Jiang's house?

In the end, Tong Xin returned to the room dejectedly amidst all kinds of turbulent emotions, just in time to run into the woman who opened the door because she heard the voice, and the woman sneered when she saw Tong Xin's distressed appearance.

"Out of control."

Let alone the verbal humiliation among women.

For Quan Jiayun, after lying on the bed, she didn't care about the affairs behind her, and she had nothing to say all night.

The next morning, when I saw these women again, I don't know if it was because of what happened last night that these women had a lot more security.

Quan Jiayun sat at the head of the dining table, glanced at every face, drank milk, and asked lazily: "Where is Tang Haoyue, is he still in the servant area and hasn't moved back?"

Tang Haoyue was the one Jiang Ce couldn't tame, and she was one of the few women whose names Jiang Ce could remember.

Hearing Quan Jiayun's question, every woman's face changed except Tong Xin, thinking in her heart, sure enough, the young master has not forgotten this woman.

However, he dared not answer.

A woman whispered: "Yes, you are still in the servant area. I went to inform her yesterday that you are back, but she has no intention of coming back to see you at all."

 Good night.I have been asking the general, the general has been offline for a long time this time, and it will not come online so soon. This book is really not a book about pure emotional dramas. I hope you can understand. If you only want to watch emotional dramas, you can wait and read.

  Recommend a book, title: "Destiny Rune Master: Your Majesty, Little Wolf Dog!" "

  Author: Wanqing Doudou
  Introduction: She is the lord of the Heavenly Palace, the proud daughter of the sky, the flames are like a song, she is a cowardly person who can't escape the calculation and die after a lifetime, the same name, when she becomes her, everything will be different up!

  Boy friend?What the hell is that?Hanging does not explain!

  Best friend?Does she have it?Torn face and seriously injured school flower do not explain!

  She does the best she can, punching the best relatives, tearing up green whore girlfriends, making a fortune in a low-key manner, stabilizing Mount Tai, looking at Feng Shui, judging good and bad, divination gossip, fortune-telling, a small magic talisman can bring good luck and avoid bad luck, To cure diseases and save lives, a pair of big eyes can detect yin and yang and send souls to reincarnate...

  But she inadvertently picked up a jar of vinegar. Along the way, the unattainable man always accompanied her, protecting her body and mind, and the little wolf dog domineeringly declared to her: "I will never give up, I would rather lose the world than the emperor!"

(End of this chapter)

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