The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1375 Was Kidnapped

Chapter 1375 Was Kidnapped
Listening to her voice, Song Huaiping cried louder, almost wailing.

She hadn't cried so much for a long, long time. Her husband's illness, her son's disobedience, and the pressure of life made her suffer, but she never cried once.

But she couldn't help it now.

Because she didn't expect that she would still see this cousin in her lifetime, and she always thought she was dead.

I didn't think she was still alive.

The shock of seeing her loved ones again, combined with the constant pressure, made her lose control.

Quan Jiayun didn't shed a single tear when she heard her cousin's wailing, but her heart became softer at this moment.

She hugged Song Huaiping and said: "It's okay, I came back alive, this time, I will be your support, so there is no need to cry anymore."

Song Huaiping was still crying. She really didn't expect that the other party was her cousin, and that the other party had become so promising.

After a while, Song Huaiping stopped crying, let go of Quan Jiayun, wiped her tears, looked at her and said: "It's good to be alive, it's good to be alive."

Quan Jiayun looked at her and said, "I am also very happy that you are still alive."

She asked, "Are uncle, aunt, and grandpa and grandma still here?"

In the car before, she only asked about the situation of her cousin's house, but she didn't ask too clearly, and now she has the opportunity to ask seriously.

When Song Huaiping heard this, the tears that had just been cleaned up tended to flow out again. She sucked her nose, shook her head bitterly and said, "It's gone, they're not here anymore.".

Song Huaiping said: "At that time, I was going to university in another place, and I couldn't be with my parents, grandparents, and after the end of the world, I couldn't go back."

"Later, after the construction of the base was completed, I sent out a missing persons notice. People from my mother's side contacted me and told me that my parents, grandparents and grandparents had passed away, and died on the way to escape."

Quan Jiayun was not too surprised to hear this.

In fact, when she asked, she knew that it was more likely to be bad luck than good luck.

Both my grandfather and grandmother were in their 60s back then. At that age, the hope of surviving the invasion of monsters was extremely slim, but I didn't expect that neither my uncle nor my aunt could survive.

Quan Jiayun let out a slight sigh.

Song Huaiping added: "Fortunately, my brother is still alive, and he is in another base. It's just that he injured a leg during the battle, and his movement is inconvenient. We can't meet in person, so we can only chat online."

Quan Jiayun nodded and said, "That's fine. What about my parents, have they contacted you?"

This is what Quan Jiayun is most concerned about.

When Song Huaiping heard this, her expression froze slightly, she shook her head and said, "No, I have also contacted my aunt and the others, but they have not contacted me."

Quan Jiayun narrowed his eyes slightly, and then asked: "You asked them to send a message, did nothing happen? Such as being monitored and so on."

Song Huaiping looked at her cousin's sharp eyes that could read people's hearts, pursed her lips, and said: "Yes, after the news of my looking for them was released, it seemed that I was being watched for a while, and then I was kidnapped One week."


"Well, I was locked up for a week. Fortunately, it was 14 years ago. My husband's parents were still there, and they had some influence. They finally found me and rescued me."

"I didn't know until I was rescued. During that time, people kept sending me photos, threatening my uncle, and restricting my uncle to come out within a week, or they would kill me."

(End of this chapter)

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