The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1376 The Unsolved Mystery

Chapter 1376 The Unsolved Mystery
Recalling the experience of being kidnapped at the beginning, Song Huaiping is still a little scared after more than ten years.

Originally, she didn't want to tell her cousin about this in the first place. It's not easy to talk about kidnapping, especially in front of Quan Jiayun.

But this is also a major doubt about the whereabouts of my aunt and uncle.

If she doesn't say it, the cousin may also encounter such a thing.

So, she hesitated just now, thinking that it is still necessary to explain this matter to her cousin.

At this point she was still talking.

"The identity of this group of people who kidnapped me and threatened my uncle to show up, and what kind of relationship I have with my uncles, I couldn't find out later."

"And I don't know whether the little uncle showed up during that week."

"All in all, this matter has been going on for more than ten years, and it has always been an unsolved mystery to me. I don't know whether my aunt and uncle are still alive. After all, I haven't seen it for more than ten years."

Song Huaiping let out a long breath when he said this, and shook his head slightly towards his cousin's dark eyes.

After listening to Song Huaiping's narration, Quan Jiayun's dark eyes deepened.

Her fingers tapped rhythmically on the table again.

Of course she knew her parents were still alive.

I just didn't expect this to come out.

Judging from the news he got from Xiang Junqing and the news from his cousin, Quan Jiayun can roughly spell out the outline of that year.

When Quan Jiayun squinted his eyes and thought.

Song Huaiping looked at Quan Jiayun, and said again: "By the way, a few months ago on the reward platform, I saw news about looking for my aunt and uncle. Was it your cousin who sent it?"

Quan Jiayun's eyes flickered, and he met Song Huaiping's gaze and replied: "I sent it."

Song Huaiping said: "At that time, I saw the news about the reward, but I didn't know who was looking for my aunt and uncle. I didn't dare to leave a message, and I didn't dare to contact. I didn't expect it to be your cousin."

Quan Jiayun replied: "I was out of trouble at that time, so I went to the reward platform to find them immediately."

Song Huaiping looked at Quan Jiayun's safe and sound appearance and said, "Your cousin looks fine. You were not approached at the time. It is said that the security level of the bounty platform is very high, and generally the information of the poster will not be disclosed."

No one found it?
Quan Jiayun raised his eyebrows, and immediately thought of the Jiang family.

She was indeed not found.

But Ruyihui said that the Jiang family was asking who was looking for these two people.

It seems that the Jiang family may be the same gang that kidnapped Song Huaiping.

And after so many years, she obviously hasn't given up looking for her parents, which is why her parents seem to have been incognito.

However, Quan Jiayun did not tell Song Huaiping about this.

This is her business.

It is no good for the cousin to know too much.

Quan Jiayun said lightly: "No, if you didn't tell me, I wouldn't even know about it."

This is the truth. At that time, Ruyi Club did not find out about this past incident more than ten years ago.

If it was not detected, there are only two possibilities. One is that it was wiped too clean and left no traces;

Song Huaiping looked at Quan Jiayun and said, "It's fine if you don't have one. I don't know if those people are still looking for the whereabouts of the little uncles after more than ten years have passed."

"Anyway, be careful when you are looking for your aunt and uncle. Don't reveal your identity first. I tell you this to make you vigilant."

(End of this chapter)

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