Chapter 1388
Tang Haoyue was overjoyed when she heard that Jiang Ce really promised not to touch her, but the one condition at the end of the other party lifted her heart again.

Tang Haoyue pursed her lips, stared at Jiang Ce and said, "What conditions?"

Quan Jiayun looked at Tang Haoyue's tense face, played with the fingers on his hand, and said slowly: "The condition is..."

Speaking of this, Quan Jiayun dragged out the tone in a particularly malicious way.

After Tang Haoyue's whole heart was suspended, she smiled and said: "Congratulations, you have been promoted from a small team leader to this young man's personal entourage."

Looking at his posture, Tang Haoyue thought that he would take the opportunity to make some embarrassing and insulting demands on her.

A word of congratulations made Tang Haoyue stunned.

She stared at him, blinking.

Personal entourage?

This request was a bit unexpected at first, but after careful consideration, it felt very reasonable.

Jiang Ce wants her willingly, and wants to conquer her, it will naturally take time, so it seems very reasonable to bring her by his side every day.

Although, Tang Haoyue didn't want to be Jiang Ce's personal attendant in her heart.

But at this stage, she has no extra choice.

She didn't want to sleep with her, so she could only accept this job.

Moreover, as Jiang Ce said, being Jiang Ce's personal entourage is a promotion for those who work for the Jiang family, because compared with other people, if you follow less, you will have more opportunities.

In addition to this opportunity, she also has the opportunity to assassinate him.

It can be said that Tang Haoyue is satisfied with the result of this job.

Tang Haoyue lowered her eyelids, and responded coldly and without emotion: "Okay, I understand."

Tang Haoyue, who lowered her eyelids, was full of contempt.

The other party's dream of conquering her nearby should never be realized. Don't think that if she doesn't take the hard way, she will take the soft way.

She's not like some women who get Stockholm Syndrome.

Trash will always be trash in her heart.

It's useless to change the skin.

Quan Jiayun admired Tang Haoyue's slow getting out of bed, and said slowly: "By the way, your attempt to kill me just now was a little too stupid, obviously you can't kill me, you will only provoke men to beat you and kill you , It can be said that it is completely asking for trouble."

Hearing this, Tang Haoyue frowned.

That voice was still saying: "Do you know how to assassinate a man stronger than yourself when your strength is insufficient?"

Tang Haoyue held back her weak and numb legs, stood firm, and looked up at Jiang Ce who was on the sofa, her eyes were full of vigilance and suspicion.

Quan Jiayun put one arm on the sofa, looked at her with a lazy and elegant posture, and said: "It's very simple, first think about how to survive in front of the other party, and then wait for the time, wait for the opportunity, during this period there is only one word forbearance." .”

"If you are really eager for revenge, then seize the moment when a man is least prepared, that is to say, when you are sleeping with me."

"Three years ago, when I forced you, if you could bear it a little bit, don't fight with me when you are in bed with me, but save your strength, use the snake to squeeze me dry, and then shoot at the critical moment , even if you can’t kill me, you can also hurt me, if you dare to think a little more, you can destroy my life and make me suffer for the rest of my life.”

He heard the other party talk about the weather in a relaxed tone, talking about things like ruining his own life.

Tang Haoyue almost thought it was her hearing loss.

(End of this chapter)

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