Chapter 1389

She stared at Jiang Ce, very suspicious and confused.

What does he mean?
Why are you telling her this?
Is this trying to test her on purpose?
In fact, Tang Haoyue didn't think about what the other party said at the beginning, but she couldn't just succumb to a trash in that situation, she felt disgusted, and she just wanted to die with him.

Looking at the other party's expression, Quan Jiayun could easily see through the other party's thoughts. She raised her eyebrows and said, "Do you disdain to use such a method? Would you rather die?"

Tang Haoyue stared at the other party without saying a word, but her heart skipped a beat.

How did he see it?

Quan Jiayun chuckled lightly and said: "Understandable, you have a backbone, I think that is too unbearable, but such a thing as a backbone may have some value when it is alive, if it is buried in the ground, then It's not worth a penny."

Hearing these words, Tang Haoyue had no expression on her face, but her heart was not so peaceful.

She stared at him silently.

Quan Jiayun tapped his fingers on the sofa casually.

"The most valuable thing is your own life."

"Baby, remember, if you want to become strong, if you want to step back those who bullied you, if you want to knock me down, instead of being wronged and buried, you have to endure what ordinary people can't bear, and endure what ordinary people can't bear."

"No matter what the bad situation is, the first thing to consider is how to survive."

"You have to understand that only by surviving can you have a chance to reverse the chance and come back."

Hearing this, Tang Haoyue's eyes instantly enlarged.

She looked at the other's exposed white teeth, and was dazzled by this radiant smile.

what's the situation?
What is the situation?
Is Jiang Ce teaching her a lesson?teach her?

Was he trying to confuse her on purpose?
Quan Jiayun stared at her, and slowly finished the last sentence in this speech: "So, don't do things that seek death, don't think that I am really reluctant to kill you."

Quan Jiayun put down her raised legs, stood up gracefully, straightened her collar and said, "Let's go, it's time to go down for lunch."

Quan Jiayun said and walked downstairs.

Tang Haoyue was only stunned for a second, then immediately put away all her emotions and followed.

Hearing the footsteps behind him, Quan Jiayun raised the corner of his mouth slightly.

After hearing about Tang Haoyue, she admired this woman. After all, in Jiang Ce's harem, there was only such a woman who dared to resist.

When she saw him just now, and saw that the other party's cultivation base had increased so much in the past three years, she felt that the other party was a talent worth cultivating.

So she planned to take this girl by her side and train her as her own.

Afterwards, it was just that she was used to be bad in her bones, and she deliberately teased her. Of course, if the other party was attacked by her just now, her mind would be defeated.

Then there is no need to cultivate it.

Tang Haoyue didn't know the other party's intentions at all. She stared at Jiang Ce's back, her brain was still in a state of confusion. She was thinking, how come it feels like Jiang Ce has changed a lot since we haven't seen each other for three years?
Puzzled, the two went downstairs one after the other.

This time, there were not many beauties waiting to greet her. Under Quan Jiayun's words that were like an imperial decree that day, the people below handled things very quickly.

Regardless of whether you are willing or not, tears are streaming down your face.

Now in Jiang Ce's residence, the gang of young lovers in the harem walked around and went to the servant area. Before Quan Jiayun returned, they had already dealt with it in the past two days.

Only Jiang Ying, mother and daughter.

(End of this chapter)

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