The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1436 Sharp fanboy fangirl

Chapter 1436 Sharp fanboy fangirl
In addition to all kinds of insults in the whole building, there are endless speculations.

Looking at these remarks, Quan Jiayun can guess what the current Sixth District Military Academy's public opinion will be about her.

It is inevitable that most of them will think that she is a fraud and a liar, that she is not worthy of receiving the military medal at all, and is not worthy of the honor she received in the first place.

Some of them would wonder if she has some status in the cultivation world.

There are also some people who definitely believe in her and will 'clean up' for her

Just like fans treat their idols, people always have a filter for the people they like. As long as they are not too big to be washed out, they will try their best to clean them up.

Quan Jiayun guessed correctly.

Today's Sixth District Military Academy, when it comes to Quan Jiayun, presents such an appearance.

Very warm.

"At that time, I thought how could she be such a genius alone, that she was able to create her own exercises, so she was a liar, taking other people's achievements as her own face."

"How do you say that, if a cultivator is present in this world, can it prove that Sister Yun is lying? What kind of logic is there? There are thousands of different martial arts methods, right? Sister Yun is not allowed to innovate new exercises in qigong methods ah."

"Idiot fans really know how to find an angle to whitewash her, but now everyone can see clearly that you can change the fact that she is a liar with just a few words? With her character, she is not worthy of this position at all." Chief."

"Since being the chief is a matter of character? Isn't it someone who is strong? Huh, the queen can beat you all. This strength is not fake. No matter what you say, the queen is a well-deserved chief, thank you."

"I'm still the chief. I haven't shown up for several months. Maybe she's dead. Even if she didn't die, would the school accept her again? Just dream, I heard that she will be promoted to the second grade next month." , she is not here, but the chief will be re-elected."

"No matter who gets the job, it's only a temporary replacement. When Chief Yun comes back, it's still hers. You'd better keep your mouths clean. Don't forget how cowardly you were when Chief Yun was around."

"We'll talk about it when she comes back, but I think she's hiding and dare not come back!!"

"Even if the queen doesn't come back, she will shine in other places. Isn't it comparable to a crow like you?"

"I am a crow, and you are a pug. Anyway, you can't justify the fact that she is a liar. The qigong method is not her original creation. Someone who has practiced it to the Yuanying stage before knows what it is. Nascent Soul Stage? The Cultivation Alliance can be said, it is the realm after Qi refining, foundation building, and Jindan. She Quan Jiayun is far behind by three levels. Everyone has gone so far. What else does she say about herself? She is not a liar, but she is still a liar."

"Now that we all know that a cultivator is here, and a powerful cultivator like Cang Xuan has appeared, we are still discussing whether the queen is cheating a liar. It's really terribly narrow-minded. On the contrary, I am more and more optimistic about the queen. Since refining Qi This road can become so strong at the end, the queen is so strong at the age of 17, the future queen's cultivation is bound to be limitless, maybe it is not a dream to surpass the leader of Cangxuan."

"Wow, I really dare to say that it is not a dream to surpass the leader of the Cangxuan alliance. You really look up to Quan Jiayun. The leader is a monk in the Nascent Soul stage. He can beat a group of third-level warriors. Can she, Quan Jiayun? ? You may not be able to practice for another 100 years, you have to be lucky that the adult is not in the Southwest Base, otherwise you will not be able to live."

(End of this chapter)

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