The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1437 Strong mentality

Chapter 1437 Strong mentality
"If you don't dare to say anything, I will dare to say that no one will become stronger step by step. Hexi in 30 years and Hexi in 30 years, who knows what will happen in a few years, take care of yourself first, even I can't beat you waste."

"I'll give you back what you said, 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't be so pushy and call others trash first, who knows who will win the next assessment."

"Go ahead and dream. If I can hang you once, I can hang you countless times for the rest of my life. Don't waste your time trying to turn around."

"You, you, you... Sure enough, those who like Quan Jiayun are some arrogant people. What kind of people are they, and what kind of followers do they attract?"

In the big cafeteria in the early morning, Quan Jiayun's senior fan brothers and sisters tried their best to speak for Quan Jiayun from all angles.

The words are sharp, and it can be said that the fighting power is quite strong.

Among them, Jiang Yuyu, Ji Ruohua and others were the most passionate and indignant, while Xiao Tianhao directly beat up a person who spoke vulgar words about Quan Jiayun.

Basically in this grade, the people who spoke for Quan Jiayun accounted for the majority and had the upper hand, because Quan Jiayun's performance in school for a few months really attracted too many fans.

That hasn't changed in the months since she left.

Especially Xiao Tianhao will take the lead in trimming those who dare to speak ill of Quan Jiayun, and almost no one dares to say that Quan Jiayun is not, that is because the news that the cultivator is present in this world is too explosive, so there are some different voices.

It was completely one-sided in the second and third grades.

Because they have heard a lot about Quan Jiayun, so naturally they don't mind following the trend and making fun of it.

Of course, the second and third grades will soon be promoted to the third and fourth grades, because the Sixth District Military Academy will soon begin its annual recruitment process, and the other grades will naturally go up.

Not to mention the situation at the military academy in the sixth district.

Here, after Quan Jiayun guessed the reaction of the Sixth District, he smiled lightly and stopped reading the comments about her on the Internet.
Although it is easy to brainwash some passers-by who don't understand the trend of speech and follow her with sarcasm and ridicule, but such things as speech and reputation have never been valued by her.

It's not just a few words, what can I do to her.

And this kind of wind direction, if you want to reverse and change it, it is very simple. People in the world who don't understand the truth, except for some people who can stay awake, most of them are fools, and it is easy for them to follow the wind. swing.

As long as she asks someone to speak up for her, she can quickly reverse this trend.

However, there is no need for this at all.

Strength speaks.

When she is strong enough, who would dare to speak out.

Even if she followed Zhao Gao's example of calling a deer a horse, who would dare to say that it was not a horse?

With a smile on the corner of Quan Jiayun's mouth, he casually clicked on another post about the Cangxuan Cultivation Alliance.

Tang Haoyue, who had been quietly glancing at Quan Jiayun's smile, saw clearly. At this moment, Tang Haoyue's pupils constricted, and her heart beat uncontrollably.

Because the other party's smile is too different.

It was a kind of contempt, a faint feeling of contempt for all living beings, very superior.

Although Jiang Ce used to be condescending and looked down on others, but the feeling of being superior was different, and Tang Haoyue didn't know how to describe it, otherwise it was different.

In short, Jiang Ce at that moment just now made people shudder.

(End of this chapter)

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