The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1447 A New Relationship

Chapter 1447 A New Relationship
"At the beginning, you kept saying that you couldn't bear Jiang Ce's violence and shamelessness. You wanted to kill him and escape, and you found him and asked him to help you."

"Now it's a betrayal. It seems that Jiang Ce has finally put you in sleep when he came back this time. It's okay. People say that women are fickle and unreliable. Sure enough, it's always the truth."

Hearing these words, Tang Haoyue tightened her fingers, and subconsciously looked at Jiang Ce who had already got into the car one step ahead.

Quan Jiayun looked at Tang Haoyue indifferently.

"Not in the car yet."

Tang Haoyue didn't stop there and got into the car immediately.

The moment the door was closed, Quan Jiayun's cold eyes slid across Jiang Mingxuan's body, as if he was looking at a dead zombie who could only stand temporarily.

Jiang Mingxuan looked at the leaving car, naturally he didn't say anything loudly, his goal had already been achieved, at least he separated the two of them first and let Jiang Ce kill that Tang Haoyue.

He didn't believe that Jiang Ce could endure such a thing! !

As for Jiang Ce...

There was hatred in Jiang Mingxuan's eyes, and he clenched his fists tightly. This force involved his injury, and Jiang Mingxuan immediately gritted his teeth and took a light breath.

Damn it! !
Jiang Mingxuan quickly took out the medicine to stop the bleeding and took it.

Then, he looked at Sun Ming who was lying there, and immediately turned on the communicator to call someone.

At this moment, Jiang Mingxuan regretted that he didn't bring more people over.

But at the same time, he was also a little thankful. Fortunately, the Jiang family was big, and all the children of the Jiang family had gone there now, and the servants were all busy, so no one noticed the commotion here.

It can be regarded as saving some face.

However, this revenge must be avenged.

When Jiang Ce came back, it was the time of Jiang Ce's death.

Jiang Mingxuan then asked Sun Ming to be carried on a stretcher to meet the Patriarch.


Here, in the car driving at high speed, Tang Haoyue had been waiting for Jiang Ce to lose his temper, waiting for him to pinch her neck, waiting for him to angrily ask her why she colluded with Jiang Mingxuan.

Because only if Jiang Ce did this, she would be sure that Jiang Ce hadn't changed, that Jiang Ce was still the same Jiang Ce.

In this way, her heart will not be shaken in the slightest.

However, Tang Haoyue waited for a long time and got nothing. Finally, Tang Haoyue couldn't bear it anymore.

She looked sideways at Jiang Ce and said, "Why don't you punish me? What Jiang Mingxuan said is the truth. I did reach an agreement with him."

Quan Jiayun lazily raised his eyelids, looked at Tang Haoyue and said: "There is nothing to punish, isn't it just that you hooked up with Jiang Mingxuan before, and didn't do anything to hurt this young man, didn't you do it before?" The bigger thing is that the rebels are fighting with Ben Shao."

Tang Haoyue looked at him somewhat surprised and complicated.

Quan Jiayun chuckled lightly and said, "Besides, I already knew about this matter."

Tang Haoyue stared at Jiang Ce.

"You already knew?"

Quan Jiayun said: "Of course."

Tang Haoyue went to meet Jiang Mingxuan, how could she not know.

Facing the sentence of course, Tang Haoyue didn't know what to answer.

The other party knew about it long ago, but they didn't do anything. This was cooperating with Jiang Mingxuan to kill him! !
It turned out that he would never bear it.

Could it be that he could really bear it just because of her willingness?

Why, it's so unbelievable.

Didn't he say before that women are not worth bothering at all?
Is he really still Jiang Ce?

In Tang Haoyue's turmoil, Quan Jiayun lazily raised his hand, smoothed a strand of Tang Haoyue's hair behind his ear, looked at Tang Haoyue and said: "I said, we are already a brand new relationship .”

 Everyone, be careful not to catch a cold due to heat stroke. It is too uncomfortable. My nose is completely scratched and my nose has not been broken.

(End of this chapter)

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