The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1448 Her True Body

Chapter 1448 Her True Body
When Tang Haoyue met those light brown amber-like eyes, she felt a tightness in her throat. Her eyes flickered, and she was about to turn her head away to avoid this disturbing hand.

Quan Jiayun put down his hand first.

While putting it down, she wiped her face with the other hand and lifted off the thin mask she wore on it.

Immediately, the original Quan Jiayun's face was exposed in front of Tang Haoyue.

Tang Haoyue suddenly opened her eyes wide, staring straight at this beautiful face she didn't recognize at all.

Yes, beautiful.

This was the first impression that came into Tang Haoyue's mind. Even if it could be seen at a glance that the other party was obviously not very young, his facial features were beyond picky.

Tang Haoyue looked at this pretty face.

My mind was spinning rapidly.

What's happening here?
Jiang Ce's make-up changed?
Disguise into a woman?Or a mature woman?
For a moment Tang Haoyue could only think in this direction.

Quan Jiayun looked at Tang Haoyue's wide-open pupils, and smiled slightly: "Jiang Ce is dead, and I killed him on the way back. From the beginning, I was the one who returned to Jiang's house as Jiang Ce. do you understand?"

When saying these words, Quan Jiayun returned to his original voice.

Different from Jiang Ce's thicker male voice, Quan Jiayun's original voice is between a man and a woman, with a rustling magnetism in the Qingchun, which is very comfortable to listen to.

Listening to this voice, Tang Haoyue's brain was completely confused when she saw this calm and calm face.

What is this person talking about?
Jiang Ce is dead! !Killed by her?
The other party came back pretending to be Jiang Ce at the beginning? ?
How can it be?

The head of the Jiang family has met Jiang Ce, but the other party didn't see it?
Could this be another trick by Jiang Ce, trying to fool her?
Tang Haoyue was completely blown away by the news, and she was no longer as calm as before. She quickly used her own logic to try to clarify this matter.

No, no, if Jiang Ce tried to fool her with makeup and disguise, then the other party should have changed his face from the beginning.

But just now the other party still looked like Jiang Ce.

It's just a face change.

Tang Haoyue's gaze slipped, and she saw the thin, almost transparent thing in the opponent's hand. She didn't even dare to say that it was a mask, and it looked more like a ball of liquid.

But just now, the other party's face changed instantly after such a tug.

Can something like this change a face all at once?
Tang Haoyue raised her eyelids, and stared straight at that face again.

From the thick and beautiful eyebrows of the other party, to the beautiful phoenix eyes, to the high nose bridge, and the plain and light lip color, it seems that he wants to see the difference from the other party's eyebrows.

However, no matter how you look at it, Tang Haoyue didn't find anything wrong.

There was no trace of makeup on that face at all, no shadows, no eye shadows, it was just there so clearly.

It showed her good complexion and the fine lines around her eyes.

And even if the other party had such a female face and wore such a man's suit, there was no sense of disobedience.

Because the opponent's aura is too strong.

The other party sat there, as if it should look like this.

Beautiful and powerful.

This kind of beauty is not only the beauty brought by the appearance.

After years of baptism, without the impetuosity of young people, a kind of beauty brought by a strong sense of self-confidence from the inside out, the fine lines at the corners of the eyes do not add ugly to the other party, but awe-inspiring thickness.

(End of this chapter)

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