The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1449 You Are Really Not Jiang Ce

Chapter 1449 You Are Really Not Jiang Ce

Tang Haoyue had never seen a woman with such an aura.

All of a sudden, all kinds of getting along with each other in the past few months flashed through Tang Haoyue's mind like a flashback. Thinking of all the past, Tang Haoyue's eyes flickered slightly.

At that time, all the things in Jiang Ce that made her feel wrong, if the other party was replaced by another person to explain, then it would make sense.

Those who do things are indeed very different from Jiang Ce.

By the way, Tang Haoyue suddenly remembered something, she suddenly turned her head to look at the driver's seat.

Zhan Hu sat there, still driving quickly and steadily, showing no surprise or panic about what happened behind him.

Of course this is only on the surface.

In fact, Zhan Hu was a little surprised.

Although he had seen that Jiang Yun valued this woman a long time ago, he never thought that Jiang Yun really meant to take this woman as his confidant, and would actually tell her such an important matter.

However, the opponent's decision is not something Zhan Hu can decide to change, so Zhan Hu continued to drive calmly, except for the first time he glanced at the rearview mirror from the corner of his eye.

After that, he never looked back.

Seeing Zhan Hu's unmoved appearance, Tang Haoyue's eyes flickered again.

Zhanhu also knows? ?

That's right, this person is not from the original Jiang Ce, but was brought back this time.

Once these details were added, Tang Haoyue couldn't help but not believe it. In her heart, Tang Haoyue already believed the other party's words.

However, Tang Haoyue still wanted more affirmation and conviction.

Otherwise, she couldn't just convince herself like this.

Tang Haoyue looked at the other party, pursed her dry lips, then cleared her tight throat, stared at the other party closely and said, "Jiang Ce, was it really you who killed him?? Are you really not Jiang Ce?"

Quan Jiayun snorted and did not answer Tang Haoyue's question.

She hooked out a wooden sign.

Tang Haoyue has been paying attention to the opponent's actions, so she didn't miss this point. She looked at the wooden sign that suddenly appeared in the opponent's hand, not understanding its meaning.

Does she want to use this as a proof?
Just thinking about it, Quan Jiayun moved again.

Quan Jiayun put her two fingers together, and a flash of spiritual light shot directly into Tang Haoyue's eyes from her fingertips. Suddenly, Tang Haoyue only felt a slight prick in her eyes, which was so painful that it didn't hurt very much, but she couldn't help closing her eyes subconsciously.

When Tang Haoyue opened her eyes again, Tang Haoyue saw an astonishing scene.

On the wooden sign, a twisted mass like gas was pulled out, and soon the gas stabilized, revealing a face.

Looking at that face, Tang Haoyue's pupils grew bigger again.

Jiang Ce! !
Even though that face was made of gas, Tang Haoyue recognized it at a glance, it was really Jiang Ce! !
At this moment, Tang Haoyue's mouth was dry and his scalp was numb.

What is this situation?
What is the situation?
Or was it a hallucination the other party gave her?
At the same time, Jiang Ce also saw Tang Haoyue.

He looked at Tang Haoyue's bright face, his eyes changed slightly, and he said with a bit of surprise and surprise: "It's you."

Jiang Ce didn't expect to stay in such a dull and dark place, but when he was pulled out suddenly, he saw Tang Haoyue's face.

The soul state is naturally silent, but it can send out a kind of wave. Under normal circumstances, ordinary people can't hear it, but Quan Jiayun made Tang Haoyue able to receive this kind of wave.

Therefore, Tang Haoyue also heard that it was you.

(End of this chapter)

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