The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1451 Did You Forget?

Chapter 1451 Did You Forget?
One sentence you also have today.

At this time, Jiang Ce remembered that this woman hated him.

He has always hated him, and has never given him a good face, so the other party deliberately pulled him out to show Tang Haoyue, obviously with ill intentions.

Could it be that these two women have united.

The other party wanted to use Tang Haoyue's hands to humiliate him, what would they do to him?
Jiang Ce began to panic.

His soul twisted and then retracted, but Quan Jiayun controlled him, so he could only be stuck there, unable to move.

Jiang Ce began to avoid Tang Haoyue's eyes, looked at Quan Jiayun and said, "What does this mean? Why did you let her know? You are not afraid that she will know. Will my father and grandfather know too?"

Quan Jiayun looked at Jiang Ce and raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Why let her know?"

Quan Jiayun smiled, but this smile did not contain any warmth. She was condescending, looked at Jiang Ce with contempt and contempt, and said, "Why do you say? Did you forget what you did to others back then?"


Jiang Ce looked at her contemptuously, and his soul twisted slightly.

Scenes of scenes where he relied on his power to force the other party emerged. Looking back on the things that made him very proud and happy at the time, Jiang Ce's soul really trembled.

Tang Haoyue looked at the trembling soul body, thinking about the previous scenes, there was sarcasm in her eyes and more unspeakable emotions.

The mountain that was once powerful and kept pressing down on her, bringing her to the brink of despair several times, has now come to such a miserable end, with no body left.

This kind of shock was great to Tang Haoyue.

At this moment Tang Haoyue almost wanted to laugh wildly at the sky.

Thinking of this in her mind, Tang Haoyue really giggled.

It's just that this laugh quickly added a bit of bitterness and pain to the madness.

For a moment, Tang Haoyue almost had the urge to cry.

This man has brought her too many painful and unbearable memories. She has always wanted to kill him with her own hands. It can be said that she is thinking about how to kill him every night.

Such imagination supported her through the most difficult days.

But where is the status of the Jiang family, where is Jiang Ce's cultivation base, so, although she thinks about killing Jiang Ce every night, she knows it is very difficult intellectually.

Therefore, she was mentally prepared to endure first and fight a long battle.

But now, this person just said that he was killed and he was killed.

On the one hand, Tang Haoyue was very happy about this. The person she hated so much was finally killed, so that she lost her body. She was extremely satisfied with this outcome.

On the other hand, because she didn't kill it with her own hands, this kind of pleasure will be discounted a bit.

She wanted to kill him even more.

She wanted to skin him even more with her own hands, and cut off his flesh.

This kind of thinking almost ran through Tang Haoyue's entire being. Tang Haoyue stared at Jiang Ce's soul, her thick and bright face was somewhat distorted and ferocious, and the cold and biting hatred reflected in those eyes.

Such eyes and madness frightened Jiang Ce, who was in a state of soul and body.

His twisting arc became even bigger.

Seeing the crazy and twisted hatred on Tang Haoyue's face, Quan Jiayun slightly twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Have you seen enough?"

One sentence brought Tang Haoyue back to his senses.

Tang Haoyue raised her eyelids, and looked at this woman who easily killed Jiang Ce, and at the same time, ostentatiously pretended to be Jiang Ce and entered Jiang's house for a few months, her eyes shone with a scorching light.

With a firm face, she said without hesitation: "Give me his soul, and my life belongs to you."

(End of this chapter)

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