Chapter 1452 Deal
Quan Jiayun's eyebrows moved when he heard Yan Yan, but he didn't speak yet.

Tang Haoyue continued: "I know that my life is not worth much in your eyes now, and I will not promise that I will be able to create value for you in the future. There is only one promise I can make, and I will definitely Swear allegiance to you."

It's not a low-profile request to give her the soul, but to directly show what she can give to Quan Jiayun and let the other party make a decision.

Such a clear statement won Quan Jiayun's heart.

She likes such a straightforward person.

That's right, if you want something, you have to barter it.

Quan Jiayun smiled and said, "Deal."

Hearing these two words in Jiang Ce's ears, it almost made him unsteady.

Falling into Tang Haoyue's hands, will he have a good end?
Jiang Ce struggled frantically, and the sharp sound wave rushed to the surroundings.

"This beautiful lord, please stop, let me follow you, I..."

Before he could continue making such annoying sound waves, Quan Jiayun bounced Jiang Ce's soul back into the Shenshen Tree with a flick of her fingers, and then she casually threw the wooden card to Tang Haoyue.

Although her original intention of taking Jiang Ce's soul was to use this matter to shake the minds of the Jiang family's senior management when confronting the Jiang family.

Because in the battle between masters, being unsteady, or distracted for a moment, is fatal.

However, this little trick doesn't matter to her, so it's okay to give it to Tang Haoyue.

Tang Haoyue caught the wooden sign with Jiang Ce's soul in it, glanced down, and then tightly clenched it with her hands.

At this time, another shiny black long bone whip was thrown in front of Tang Haoyue. Just by looking at its appearance, it was obvious that this thing must be of great value, definitely not a cheap item.

Tang Haoyue looked at the bone whip and looked up at Quan Jiayun.


This bone whip is naturally extraordinary, it is exactly a low-grade spiritual weapon that Quan Jiayun obtained from that demon cultivator back then, the material can be said to be excellent, every bone has been specially refined.

After being in Quan Jiayun's hands, Quan Jiayun erased the original restraints used by the magic cultivator in the past few months while practicing, and re-sacrificed new restraints.

This prohibition is Leifa.

Thunder and lightning, from rigidity to yang, are designed to overcome all kinds of ghosts and evil spirits.

This kind of whip can be said to be the best for dealing with the soul body, and it can make the ghost suffer from death. Of course, this has to be wielded by Tang Haoyue, who is newly refining Qi at that time.

If Quan Jiayun was to wield it, Jiang Ce's soul would be wiped out with just one blow of her whip.

Because his soul and body are too weak.

It is not a powerful ghost at all.

Of course, Quan Jiayun didn't explain this to Tang Haoyue in words, it was too troublesome.

Quan Jiayun pointed two pointers between Tang Haoyue's eyebrows, and directly used the divine consciousness input method.

After a while, Quan Jiayun withdrew his hand, and after Tang Haoyue recovered, he looked at Tang Haoyue with a smile and said, "Do you understand now?"

Of course Tang Haoyue understood.

Now she has received a lot of information in her mind.

Cultivating Shenmu, the method of controlling Shenmu.

There are also various ways to make the soul miserable.

Just like this bone whip is called Soul Whip, hitting the soul can make the soul very painful.

Tang Haoyue glanced at Quan Jiayun, without saying a word, regardless of the environment in the car, she leaned over, bowed her head and knelt in front of Quan Jiayun, and respectfully saluted three times.

Quan Jiayun didn't stop her, until she sat up after kneeling, she smiled and said: "Kneeling like this, doesn't it mean that I want you to be my disciple?"

(End of this chapter)

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