The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1469 The boy is really ruthless

Chapter 1469 The boy is really ruthless

The rebound just now, if it was an ordinary foundation-building cultivator, would probably vomit blood from the shock, and the spiritual consciousness would be greatly damaged, and such damage would take at least a long time to repair.

It is because her spiritual consciousness is stronger than the ordinary foundation-building monks, and fortunately, she quickly split the spiritual consciousness into countless strands, splitting this impact.

Otherwise, she will also be hurt by the backlash.

This alone is enough to praise him, not to mention that he used the teleportation talisman to escape immediately.

When Quan Xuesong heard these words that sounded like praise, he looked back at Quan Jiayun from the strange-looking boulder, and he didn't feel proud of it at all, but his heart sank heavily.

As the saying goes, there is no difference, his two attempts to escape definitely angered the other party.

No monk can tolerate such a thing.

Even he himself couldn't bear it.

At this moment, Quan Xuesong was already mentally prepared to fight to the death.

Because obviously, judging from the opponent's various means, this monk is not easy to deal with.

And looking at the other party's appearance, the backlash brought to her by the soul lock just now was not that great.

Quan Jiayun looked at the other party's silent and cautious expression, smiled slightly, and said lazily: "Don't worry, I won't kill you, there is no need to be so nervous."

As he said that, Quan Jiayun hooked his hand, and instantly the huge black stone became smaller and flew into Quan Jiayun's palm, and then disappeared in an instant.

Quan Xuesong watched this scene, blinked his eyes, and did not speak.

Because he didn't know what to say at this time, and at the same time he didn't know whether what the other party said was true or not, so he could only keep silent, watch the other party's move, and then passively accept the move.

After putting away the small world, Quan Jiayun walked to the sofa and sat down, stroked his chest with his hand and said, "You brat is really cruel, you didn't even mention it to me, there is such a treasure as Soul Relief in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, almost You were really hurt."

Quan Xuesong listened to the other party's half-truth, half-false, and didn't know what kind of attitude he said, his eyes flickered, and he stopped keeping silent.

He looked at Quan Jiayun frankly and replied: "Senior, in that situation at that time, I just wanted to remind you that I didn't have time. It's really not that this junior deliberately wanted to entrap senior. Please forgive me."

Of course, this is not true.

Even if there was a reminder time just now, Quan Xuesong would not remind.

The other party has the intention of searching for the soul.

For such a person, he will not kindly remind him.

You must know that soul searching is extremely dangerous for monks, because when you are soul searched, your life is completely controlled by the other party, as long as the other party is not unhappy, you will end up being a fool.

So no monk is willing to be searched for souls.

However, monks of the same level did not dare to use Soul Search on monks of the same level easily, at least one level higher dared to do so.

Hearing his answer, Quan Jiayun looked at Quan Xuesong with a half-smile and said, "Forgive me? Do you know that since I came back, no one has ever been able to almost let me suffer, how are you going to compensate me. "

Quan Xuesong's face changed slightly when he heard this.

He stared at Quan Jiayun and said: "Senior, most of the things I have, you may not look down upon, and I know the soul-suppressing lock in the sea, I believe the seniors also know that it can't be taken out, so I have it with me. The soul has already merged into one."

Quan Jiayun propped his cheeks, looked at Quan Xuesong and smiled lightly: "So what if you merge into one body? If you're dead, you can naturally split your head and take it out."

(End of this chapter)

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