The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1470 Get to know Song Huaiping's family

Chapter 1470 Meet Song Huaiping's Family
Hearing this, Quan Xuesong tightened his hands immediately, and a water-blue aura shield immediately appeared outside his body, and he didn't shout out why she said such stupid words now that she just said not to kill him.

Because he knew that a monk's words were not necessarily full of promises, and it was normal to talk back about such things at any time.

Cultivators are inherently intriguing.

Seeing his reaction, Quan Jiayun's smile widened a bit, she waved her hand casually and said, "Just kidding, just kidding, really don't need to be nervous, make me a cup of tea, you have it, spirit tea leaf .”

Quan Xuesong looked at her suspiciously and said, "Yes."

Quan Jiayun said: "Go clubbing, I will use this as compensation, I just happen to be very thirsty."

Faced with such a request, Quan Xuesong naturally had no reason to refuse, and he acted immediately. Of course, he has maintained a high degree of vigilance during this process.

Soon, Quan Xuesong made a cup of spiritual tea with boiling water.

When the brew was brewed, the tea fragrance spread throughout the room.

When handing it to the other party, Quan Xuesong purposely used magic to cool the cup, and the tea was covered with a thin layer of frost.

Only then did he respectfully hand it to Quan Jiayun and said, "Senior, try to see if it suits your taste."

Quan Jiayun took it and took a sip, the refreshing fragrance spread throughout the taste buds and refreshed the nerves.

She praised: "Yes, very good tea.

Quan Xuesong said: "Senior likes it, so this can of tea leaves will be honored to Senior."

As Quan Xuesong said, he put the canister with spiritual tea leaves aside, and stepped back a few steps.

Quan Jiayun glanced at him, and continued to taste the tea sip by sip.

The other party is leisurely, but Quan Xuesong can't maintain a leisurely attitude.

He looked at the other person's face, and said cautiously: "Senior, what I said to you before was not false, really, so, if there is nothing else, this junior will leave."

Although he said goodbye in his mouth.

Quan Xuesong didn't dare to turn around and walk away, he had to wait for the other party to express his opinion.

Because the other party refused to let him go, he obviously couldn't go.

Quan Jiayun lifted his eyelids, looked at him lightly and said, "Song Huaiping's family, you know them."

Quan Xuesong's heart skipped a beat again, and the other party didn't search for the soul, why did he know such a thing? ?

You know, he came to the city this time, but he hasn't found where to go yet.

Although his heart was turned upside down, Quan Xuesong still maintained the same expression on his face, and replied calmly: "I don't know, this is the first time this junior has heard of this name."

Quan Jiayun looked at him and said: "It's meaningless to say such things. Do you know why I found you? Because your blood relationship is related to Song Huaiping's blood relationship, and it was detected by the blood spirit array."

Quan Xuesong was shocked again when he heard this.

No wonder the other party suddenly mentioned Sister Song Huaiping.

So it is! !

However, why did the other party look for it like this?

In the next second, Quan Jiayun solved his confusion for him.

"Do you know why I spared you again and again? Because Song Huaiping is my cousin."


Quan Xuesong's eyes suddenly enlarged, and he couldn't believe it when he looked at the beautiful and powerful woman in front of him.

If she said sister Song Huaiping was her cousin, then she was sister Song Huaiping's cousin?

How is it possible, I have never heard of it in the past few years.

Why did such a powerful cousin suddenly appear? ?
(End of this chapter)

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