Chapter 1504
Si Chengtian looked at her, waiting for her next words.

Quan Jiayun continued elegantly and calmly: "As far as I know, the Jiang family wants to find General Si to join forces with the cultivators of the Cultivation Alliance. There must be such a thing."

Hearing this, Si Chengtian's eyes moved slightly, he looked at her and said, "There is such a thing."

Quan Jiayun smiled, and said calmly but forcefully: "It's better for General Si not to get involved in this matter."

"As far as I know, he killed the monk, and he has been targeted by the leader of the Cangxuan alliance. It can be said that there is a big trouble. If General Si cooperates with him at this time, it will definitely be harmful and useless."

Hearing such words, Si Chengtian was a little surprised.

Surprisingly not this information.

It was she who took the initiative to tell him this intention.

Si Chengtian stared at her without making a sound.

Quan Jiayun met his gaze and said: "I am not alarmist, but have a basis. General Si weigh it, please think twice about it."

Si Chengtian said: "You called me, and this is what you want to talk about?"

Quan Jiayun nodded and said: "Yes, that's the matter, we've brought it up, as for General Si..."

Si Chengtian cut off her words, looked at her calm face, and asked with sharp eyes: "Why did you inform me kindly, I don't seem to have any friendship with you."

Quan Jiayun was stunned, looked at Si Chengtian with a smile and said, "General Si, didn't you ask the question knowingly? With General Si's ability, who wouldn't want to make friends? Besides, there was no friendship before, so wouldn't there be two friendships from now on?
Si Chengtian was not surprised by her answer.

He thought, she really wouldn't tell the truth, and if she didn't tell, Si Chengtian didn't continue to persecute him. He followed her wishes, looked at her with burning eyes and said, "I've made a note of this reminder." , if you need my help with anything in the future, just ask."

Regarding such words, Quan Jiayun should have said thank you General Si.

But looking at his serious appearance, Quan Jiayun couldn't help but change his words again, looked at him and teased: "General Si, you just believe my words so much, you don't doubt it at all? Maybe I'm Cang Xuan sent to drive a wedge between the two of you."

Si Chengtian looked at her and said, "Even if I doubt such a thing, why would I say it in front of your face? You are not smart enough to ask this question this time."

After Si Chengtian said this, a smile curled up on the corner of his mouth, he looked at her and said, "That's it, Mr. Landlord, goodbye."

After finishing speaking, Si Chengtian took a deep look at her, and then took the initiative to cut off the signal, and the last thing left in Quan Jiayun's field of vision was that faint smile.

Quan Jiayun looked at the disconnected communicator and blinked.


A few seconds later, Quan Jiayun smiled. She touched the communicator, and then laughed again.

Jiangshan Building.

Lord Landlord.

Your Excellency General.

This Si Chengtian! !

If he said that he didn't know that Jiang Shanxue was her, she wouldn't believe it.

But thinking about it, now that the cultivator is in the world, and he has seen her change from old to young again, it is not too surprising to be able to guess.

Quan Jiayun put down his fingers, looked outside with a smile, and looked in the direction of Si Chengtian.

To be honest, from the moment I saw Si Chengtian just now, Quan Jiayun was surprised and surprised, although she left something for Si Chengtian, which was enough to make Si Chengtian stronger.

But in just a few months, his progress to this point was far beyond her surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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