The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1505 Appreciate him more

Chapter 1505 Appreciate him more
Because it's not just the credit of what she left behind.

Obviously, her departure didn't make him even half decadent, but made him more diligent.

Regarding this, Quan Jiayun didn't feel unhappy at all, on the contrary, he appreciated Si Chengtian even more because of it.

She likes such people.

Regardless of men or women, she has always hated and despised people who would die or live for love the most, as if they could not live if they were abandoned by others.

However, there has never been anyone in this world who cannot live without someone.

No matter how painful or uncomfortable you feel, after that time, when you look back, it is just an experience that you can smile lightly.

It's a joke to make yourself miserable for the sake of love, and think that others pity you because of it. If you don't love yourself, how can you let others love you.

When a person is attracted to another person, he can only live beautifully because the other person is strong, beautiful, and confident.

The love and affection born of misery is always temporary.

If Si Chengtian recognizes her and exposes her today, and then accuses her of resenting her, then all the cuteness of Si Chengtian with her before will become unlovable, and she will never be happy to see this man in the future .

However, now...

Quan Jiayun still couldn't help laughing when he thought of that sentence, Mr. Louzhu.

After Tang Haoyue came back, what she saw was Quan Jiayun's happy smile, she was slightly taken aback, and then she was a little curious, what made Master so happy!

Just when Tang Haoyue looked at Quan Jiayun curiously, Quan Jiayun withdrew his gaze, looked at Tang Haoyue and said, "It's been dealt with."

Tang Haoyue replied: "Yes, everything has been dealt with."

Quan Jiayun said: "Then get ready to go."

Tang Haoyue was about to call the driver up immediately.

Quan Jiayun said: "I won't take the plane anymore."

Sitting on the plane is not easy to find the marks left by Zhan Hu.

She said and jumped off the plane.

Tang Haoyue followed suit and jumped off.

Quan Jiayun's hand touched the plane, and immediately the huge plane disappeared from everyone's eyes. Tang Haoyue and Cao Leye's eyes flickered as they watched this scene.

Was this collected by the storage bag?
Is there such a big storage bag?

Quan Jiayun said: "Let's go."

Immediately, her figure moved, and she immediately fled to the distance, and the two quickly followed.


While Quan Jiayun was leaving with the tracking mark, Si Chengtian looked at the communicator for a few seconds on the other side, and then he put away all his thoughts and devoted himself to the test in front of him. .

In the evening, a grand banquet was held at the Southwest Base.

This is the grand banquet held by the Cultivation Alliance branch here for high-level warriors and monks in the southwest base.

Because the Cultivation Alliance intends to publicize their extraordinaryness to everyone, the venue of the banquet is full of various small formations, and the surprising scene formed by the magic techniques makes the warriors who come here feel as if they have stepped into a fairyland.

Facing such a picture, all the warriors looked sideways and talked endlessly.

It can be said that the Cultivation Alliance immediately took the lead visually, shocking all warriors.

For the Cultivation Alliance, all warriors dare not have any intention of underestimating it.

With the arrival of various famous people, the banquet became more and more lively.

After all, in other times, it is rare to gather so many people in one place, but now the Cultivation League has invited almost all third-tier warriors, plus some monks.

The scene was grand and extraordinary.

Just as everyone was discussing, the tall and straight Si Chengtian, dressed in black military uniform, walked into the banquet hall.

(End of this chapter)

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