The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1506 General Si shocked the audience

Chapter 1506 General Si shocked the audience

Si Chengtian's arrival immediately set off a wave of climax for the banquet.

"The general is here."

"The general is here."

All the people turned their heads and looked sideways at Si Chengtian.

This man who was once hailed as the strongest man in the sixth district, was as rigorous as ever, with his clothes buttoned to the top, not showing a trace of flesh, his handsome face without any superfluous expression, walking calmly and coldly ahead of several soldiers.

Seeing Si Chengtian, everyone's eyes flickered.

Because tonight's focus must be Si Chengtian's people and the cultivation alliance.

Why does the Cultivation League invite everyone, isn't it for the purpose of establishing prestige?
In the southwest base, Si Chengtian was the number one figure.

This meeting is so important that it will definitely affect the current pattern of the Southwest Base.

From the day when the cultivator appeared in the world, all the warriors had guessed that this day would come, and when this day came, everyone was naturally excited and concerned.

Just after Si Chengtian appeared, suddenly an ark flew in the sky.

Everyone suddenly looked up, and saw the ark falling straight into the courtyard.

Several men and women in the uniforms of the Cultivation League came down from the top, and as the men and women fell down, they stood up. A middle-aged man with a scarf on his head, good features, dressed like a scribe a hundred years ago, lifted the curtain and walked out.

He stepped down, waved his sleeve robe lightly, and immediately, the leaf of the ark became smaller, flew into his sleeve robe and disappeared.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes flickered.

For this man, most people are no longer strangers after these two days.

They knew that this person was Tian Xingyuan, a deputy leader of the Cultivation League, and it was said that he had the cultivation base of the Golden Core Stage.

While everyone was staring sideways at this appearance, the cultivator of the Cultivation Leader led the people to greet him quickly, and bowed his head respectfully to greet the visitor.

"Deputy leader."

The middle-aged scribe is also Tian Xingyuan from the vice-meng of the Cultivation League. He glanced at the crowd in the courtyard and said, "Everyone has arrived?"


At this time, Tian Xingyuan also saw Si Chengtian.

He smiled slightly, then walked towards Si Chengtian, and said: "General Si, welcome, welcome, it's my fault not being able to greet you when I arrived late, I hope General Si will forgive me."

After some compliments.

Tian Xingyuan stood at the main seat, raised his cup, and said to the heroes around him: "Tonight, our Cultivation League is holding a banquet here. There is no other purpose. While entertaining everyone, I also want to tell you one thing. The League is about to recruit more disciples. Anyone who is interested is welcome to join our Cultivation League. The leader is looking forward to everyone's coming. I hope you will not miss this opportunity, because our Cultivation League will definitely stand in the future. The front line against monsters will also enter the other world through the passage in the future."

After finishing speaking, Tian Xingyuan drank the fine wine in his glass in one gulp, and then stretched out his hands and said to everyone: "Okay, everyone, don't be too polite, try the spiritual wine and some side dishes prepared by our Cultivation League for everyone."

As he spoke, the servant standing beside him brought the dishes immediately.

He said a few small dishes in his mouth, but the dishes served were almost all tricks that warriors had never seen before.

A group of warriors looked at these exquisite dishes, and most of their thoughts were still on what Tian Xingyuan said before.

Although those words were mild, I hope that everyone will not miss this opportunity. There is clearly a hint of threat in the dark, so everyone has to think about it.

In addition, the last sentence from the passage to another world struck the hearts of all the warriors.

It really deserves to be a Hongmen Banquet.

(End of this chapter)

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