The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1507 This Is Under My Jurisdiction

Chapter 1507 This Is Under My Jurisdiction

Amid the thoughtful conversations among everyone, the banquet soon passed halfway.

At this time, Tian Xingyuan put down the wine glass in his hand, looked at Si Chengtian with a faint smile, and said, "General Si, I have been listening to your reputation and know that you are the strongest in the southwest base. I want to exchange ideas with you, I wonder if I have the honor to ask General Si for some advice today."

Although Tian Xingyun seemed to be very polite, he also used the word "asking for advice".

But who doesn't know what the deep meaning is.

Hearing this, almost everyone had the same thought in their hearts.

I'm coming.

What to ask for advice, this is obviously to compete for a superiority, to trample the martial artist under the soles of their feet.

All eyes were on Si Chengtian, full of seriousness.

Because this battle is the most important.

As long as Si Chengtian loses, Si Chengtian will fall from the altar.

And when the strongest warriors in the Southwest Base are defeated, one can imagine what will happen to the Southwest Base. From then on, it will be completely ruled by the Cultivation Alliance, and the warriors will not even be able to lift their heads.

Under the instant nervousness of everyone, Si Chengtian put down his chopsticks without changing his expression, looked at Tian Xingyuan's calm response and said, "That's good, it just so happens that I'm also somewhat curious about Jindan Daoist's techniques.

"It's not too late to do that, let's start now."

Tian Xingyuan stood up and shook his hands, and suddenly a two-meter-wide golden scroll shot out of his hand, like a shuttle, it spread for hundreds of meters in an instant, and connected to the Guangtai on the top of the mountain in the distance.

Like a golden bridge appearing out of thin air, it leans across the sky and shines brightly under the night.

This move was even more shocking than Tian Xingyuan's ride on the One Leaf Boat when he showed up.

Everyone looked at this scene, their breath suddenly tightened, and they looked up slightly at this scene in shock.

Just a pair of scrolls constituted this long golden bridge, and it didn't flutter with the wind at all, it was straight and stable as if it was really there.

Is this the ability of a Golden Core cultivator?

It's amazing.

Under everyone's shocked gazes, Tian Xingyuan's mouth curled up slightly, and he took the lead to step on this golden bridge, just like stepping on the brightest golden carpet.

He raised his hand to Si Chengtian with a smile and said, "General Si, please."

In the face of Tian Xingyuan's deliberate show off to deter everyone in advance.

Si Chengtian got up and stood up, but did not step on the golden bridge built by Tian Xingyuan.

He raised his eyelids, looked up in the distance, and stepped heavily on the ground with his right foot. Under the entire ground shaking like an earthquake, Si Chengtian shot straight into the sky like a cannonball.

In the white mark breaking through the sound barrier, a black dragon rides the wind and breaks through the waves, arousing the golden bridge to float with the wind, spanning hundreds of meters in an instant, and reaching the Guangtai on the top of the mountain over there, standing against the wind.

This style is naturally far less gorgeous than Tian Xingyuan.

However, its speed and strength are undoubtedly revealed.

Especially making the stable golden bridge so swaying, it shows his extraordinary strength.

At that moment, the eyes of all warriors lit up.

This move, is General Si advanced again?

The speed and power are simply terrifying.

The monks headed by Tian Xingyuan frowned.

Tian Xingyuan looked at Si Chengtian in the distance, his eyes quickly returned to normal, and said with a smile: "General Si is really extraordinary."

 Modified, wait for more.

(End of this chapter)

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