The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1508 Fighting 1

Chapter 1508 Fighting 1
Tian Xingyuan pointed his finger, and immediately the golden bridge stopped floating and stabilized.

Then he went up in one step, even if he was going up against the current, he showed a gliding posture flying straight down. With a white robe, he really looked like a fairy.

In just a few breaths, he reached the broad platform on the top of the mountain, and with a move of his hand, the golden bridge turned into a golden scroll and flew into his sleeve robe.

After finishing all this, he looked at Si Chengtian standing there, smiled lightly and said, "General Si, I'm a few years older than you, so you should take the lead, please."

As he spoke, he raised his hand in the proud manner of a master.

Faced with the other party's arrogance, Si Chengtian didn't give way to him. With a flick of his figure, he suddenly pulled the distance away from him, clenched his fist and punched without saying a word.

This punch did not contain any spiritual power, but its powerful force immediately rolled up a storm-like wave in the air.

Faced with such a wave of rage, Tian Xingyuan didn't dare to push it too far, and only used his own spiritual shield to meet it.

After all, Si Chengtian is also the highest-ranking Tier [-] warrior here.

The power is naturally not small.

However, he didn't dodge either.

It's just that when Si Chengtian's punch came, he swung his sleeves into a wall, and a wall of earth gathered from the ground in an instant, blocking him.

Although this thing looks like a wall made of soil, it is formed by Tian Xingyuan's spiritual power combined with the energy of the world, and each wall is as tough as a steel wall.

Waiting for idlers can't break it at all.

However, in the face of Si Chengtian's power, this wall is completely useless.

Like tofu, it was smashed into pieces in an instant.

Tian Xingyuan frowned, he waved his sleeves again and again, and it took five earthen walls to block Si Chengtian's blow.

However, Si Chengtian, who didn't stop at all, struck out another punch.

This time Tian Xingyuan didn't dare to expend his spiritual power to create such an earthen wall. He immediately sacrificed a small black and white shield. The small shield spun in the wind, and finally formed a huge Tai Chi disc in front of him.

Peng, Si Chengtian's punch reached the Tai Chi fish plate.

This Tai Chi disc is a top-grade spiritual weapon with excellent defense, and it didn't shatter in the slightest under Si Chengtian's powerful punch.

A smile appeared on the corner of Tian Xingyuan's mouth.

In the next second, he couldn't smile anymore, but his face changed slightly.

Because, together with this yin-yang disc and Tian Xingyuan, they retreated rapidly under the pressure of this force, and they couldn't stop it at all.

How could this prevent Tian Xingyuan from changing color.

This power! !

Tian Xingyuan suddenly aroused the spiritual power of his dantian, from which he pulled out the momentum and shot up to the sky, condescendingly and quickly shot a rain of golden arrows from the sleeve.

There were so many golden arrows, densely packed, like drizzle, covering the area for several meters in an instant.

No matter how fast Si Chengtian seemed to be, he couldn't escape.

Wherever you run, there are golden arrows.

However, Si Chengtian's expression didn't change at all. He looked at the rain of golden arrows and stretched out his hand.

Everyone only felt that his hand had turned into a phantom hand.

With Si Chengtian's fast hand speed, the golden arrows around Si Chengtian disappeared one by one, and they all fell into his palm.

Before everyone could be surprised by this, Si Chengtian grabbed the golden arrows, looked at Tian Xingyuan above him indifferently, and exerted strength with both hands.

These golden arrows were snapped into two in an instant, and Si Chengtian threw them on the ground like trash.

(End of this chapter)

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