The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1558 Quan Jiayun's Situation

Chapter 1558 Quan Jiayun's Situation
Long Xiao was still disgusted with Quan Jiayun at first, but when he thought that she would not be able to live without him, the more he thought about it, the happier he became, as if he had become one of those heroes in the dramas he had watched.

Yes, he can't be as bad as her.

Although she lied to him many times, she also played tricks on him for a long time.

But he has a big heart, and he has to forgive her.

He, Long Xiao, is a big man standing upright.

Thinking about it this way, the more Long Xiao looked at Quan Jiayun who was so rare and fragile, the more he looked like a pitiful little one. After all, he had never seen Quan Jiayun like this before.

The Quan Jiayun he saw were all cunning, hateful, unrestrained, ruthless and strategizing.

Now Long Xiao felt pity, and stretched out a claw that turned into a little finger, trying to wipe the blood from the corner of Quan Jiayun's mouth.

However, as soon as that chubby little hand touched Quan Jiayun's skin, it was shocked by the huge airflow inside.

At this time, Quan Jiayun's whole body was like a source of a storm, the clothes on his body suddenly swelled, and an invisible gust of wind suddenly blew around, with terrifying power.

Long Xiao blinked his eyes, um, it's weird! !

Although Long Xiao didn't understand the cultivation of these monks, it was obvious that Quan Jiayun was at a very critical moment.

Long Xiao's eyeballs rolled around, stopped moving, blinked and looked around again.

Quan Jiayun didn't know about this situation.

As soon as Long Xiao came out, she no longer left a trace of her consciousness outside.

She is dealing with her current situation with all her energy. At this moment, the spiritual power in her body is like a howling river, which is a powerful energy that may break through the spiritual veins and explode at any time.

This is obviously the backlash after the failure of Chongdan.

Just now, when Quan Jiayun took five demon pills with different attributes, he wanted to forcibly form the pills, but the spiritual power in the demon pills was unevenly distributed and too huge.

So, in an instant, the five elixir forms in her original dantian were smashed apart.

With this dispersal, the vision of forming alchemy disappeared, and Quan Jiayun was backlashed so much that he spurted out a stream of blood.

Quan Jiayun had expected this situation.

This kind of alchemy without any preparation in advance is extremely dangerous! !

But she is like this, even if she didn't expect such a thing in advance, once she got to this point, she didn't want to give up easily, so she just took a bold gamble.

It's just that this is not an ordinary one-line alchemy, but a heaven-defying five-line alchemy, which is equal to one other person's alchemy, and she needs to form five at the same time.

And you can't get distracted for a while, it's naturally extremely difficult to do it at the same time.

Therefore, Quan Jiayun, who had anticipated this situation, did not panic. In the final analysis, with the help of a strong spiritual sense, even if she did not succeed, she would not end up being shaken to the point of self-explosion. .

The meridian is injured, and there is a good medicine to treat it, which is three months.

Quan Jiayun will use his powerful spiritual consciousness to compress the overwhelming spiritual power again.

one squeeze...

secondary squeeze...

Triple Squeeze...

During this process, several monks from the Cultivation League were quickly beaten away by Si Chengtian with powerful force. They ran away in a terrible embarrassment, and one of them was seriously injured.

Si Chengtian didn't chase after the few people who ran away one after the other.

Because Quan Jiayun is the most important thing now.

He closed his eyes and looked at the martial artist in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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