Chapter 1559 Take ten miles as the boundary

Seeing Si Chengtian's eyes looking over, these martial artists who watched silently from afar couldn't help but shut their breath, and their bodies were suddenly in a state of tension. They pursed their mouths, swallowed their saliva and stepped back again. Fearing that Si Chengtian would attack.

Because as long as Si Chengtian attacks, they will have no way out.

While everyone was nervous, Si Chengtian spoke, and the deep cello-like voice resounded in all directions.

"Using a radius of ten miles as the boundary, whoever moves forward by one step will kill Wushe!"

This Sha Wushe shocked everyone's hearts.

But seeing that Si Chengtian didn't kill him because of this, they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

so far so good.

It's just that the boundaries are fine.

In fact, even if Si Chengtian didn't say anything, no one would dare to step forward so boldly. After all, they asked themselves that they were not as strong as Jiang Jianmin. Moreover, there was such a terrifying black dragon entrenched there, who would dare to step forward.

Si Chengtian was ordered to ignore these warriors.

As soon as he turned his body, he immediately fled to the side of the black dragon. When Si Chengtian moved, the fighter plane he was sitting on when he came over appeared, floating high above and monitoring the surroundings.

As soon as Si Chengtian fell to the ground, Long Xiao raised his head, showing his sharp teeth, and let out a dragon cry, as if refusing him to approach.

Si Chengtian looked at the black dragon, and said: "I won't hurt her, you should know, I'll just take a look."

Hearing this, Long Xiao's vertical eyes flashed, and his huge tail hit the ground, as if he didn't know anything and would never let go. He even unfolded the Dragon Barrier, refusing Follow him in.

However, just as the black barrier was about to be formed, Si Chengtian stepped in with the powerful speed of a fourth-order warrior.

Seeing this, Long Xiao was so angry that he blew his beard again.

In an instant, he swung his huge tail and threw it at Si Chengtian, without any strength left.

Si Chengtian dodged the blow nimbly.

Immediately Long Xiao threw it away again.

This went back and forth a few times.

Si Chengtian retreated to the farthest position on the edge of the barrier.

Just when Long Xiao thought he was intimidating this person, Si Chengtian stared at the black dragon for two seconds, then touched the black dragon with his hand, took out the thing that injured the black dragon last time, and said calmly: Remember this?"

If Long Xiao had hairs on his body, then when he saw this at this moment, his hairs would all stand on end.

But despite being hairless.

His wings were erected high.

He glared at Si Chengtian angrily.

Si Chengtian looked at him calmly.

After holding each other for a few seconds, when Si Chengtian was about to move his hand, Long Xiao finally gave in, and opened a gap to Si Chengtian from the tail, allowing Si Chengtian to enter.

When Si Chengtian walked in, he saw that Quan Jiayun's face and forehead were covered with sweat, which kept oozing out.

Faced with this situation, Si Chengtian didn't wipe off Quan Jiayun's sweat, he took out a small cooling fan and turned it on, blowing wind on Quan Jiayun's body closer.

Seeing this scene, Long Xiao exhaled a big dragon's breath from his nose, and then tilted his head up.

affectation! !
Quan Jiayun didn't know all this, and she continued to squeeze.

Time is like running water, and the minutes and seconds passed quickly, and the night deepened.

Outside the barrier, ten miles away, those warriors hadn't dispersed, because they couldn't bear to miss this rare situation for many years. What Jiang Shanxue showed just now was too amazing.

So they wondered what would happen to Jiang Shanxue in the end.

You must know that if you fail to advance, you will be seriously injured if you are not dead.

And what will happen to Jiang Shanxue?
(End of this chapter)

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