Chapter 1567

Killing people and exterminating clans, upon hearing these four words, Si Chengtian frowned slightly.

Before he arrived at the East China Base, he knew about Jiang Shanxue's rioting in the arena. He turned on the live broadcast and watched the scene of Jiang Shanxue abusing people, but when Jiang Jianmin arrived, he was more worried that Jiang Jianmin would hurt her.

Therefore, I never remembered the previous things at all.

Now when he heard her talking about killing and exterminating the clan, he immediately understood who he was going to kill and which clan he was going to kill.

Si Chengtian never liked killing people.

He is not like other high-ranking fighters, relying on his own power and force, because of something he doesn't like, he just kills a person's life at will.

He can kill, basically killing people who deserve to be killed.

It can be said that Si Chengtian is a person who will not be merciful, but will not kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Knowing that she is going to kill and exterminate the family now, this has an impact on Si Chengtian's three views.

Si Chengtian knew that there was a part of Quan Jiayun's temperament that must be retaliated, and this could be clearly seen from the few things she did in the military academy before.

She will never suffer from that kind of person.

But this time, although he didn't know much about the specific cause and effect, he knew that the reason that led to the present was that the Jiang family first arrested and abused the two of them.

Obviously these two are extremely important to Quan Jiayun.

It's normal for her to feel vengeful.

He absolutely supports her in killing the Jiang family who committed crimes, but extermination includes the old, weak, women and children.

Si Chengtian doesn't like Zhulian.

Si Chengtian looked at her profile and said, "You go now, the building is probably empty."

When Quan Jiayun heard this, he shook his head slightly and said: "No, although Jiang Jianmin, the biggest backer of the Jiang family, is gone, it stands to reason that the rest of the people should walk and run, but you have to know, Everyone has a fluke mentality, when I didn't make it clear that I survived, how could they be willing to let go of the family business that the Jiang family has built over the years, after all, there are still a few third-tier warriors."

When she dealt with Jiang Jianmin last night, several people came with Jiang Jianmin, but after the catastrophe, they all ran away.

She smiled again and said: "Of course, they must have got the news at this time, and they are in a hurry to leave now, but it's too late to leave now."

After advancing to the Golden Core stage, Quan Jiayun's escape speed was much faster than before. Even if she didn't use space to teleport, now she has seen the Jiang family's castle from a distance.

At this time, many people in the castle fled from it.

Quan Jiayun's huge spiritual consciousness suddenly unfolded.

Those who were fleeing felt the coercion from above, and their expressions changed one after another.


Here comes the devil.

Amidst the dismay of the Jiang family, Quan Jiayun locked on the person surnamed Jiang, and came to him in a flash.

"No, please, please forgive me."

Almost as soon as Quan Jiayun came, the young master of the Jiang family, who usually flaunted his power in front of other warriors, immediately knelt down towards Quan Jiayun with a plop.

However, Quan Jiayun was not merciful, a sword energy pierced through his heart and instantly killed him, without letting that person say a second sentence, after killing him, Quan Jiayun turned around and locked on the next Jiang family.

In her case, all men from the Jiang family who are above the second rank must die regardless of whether they have committed any crimes or not.

She is merciful today, but what will be left to her family in the future will be future troubles.

Si Chengtian looked at Quan Jiayun's merciless attack on Zhu Lian, who was surnamed Jiang, and once again refreshed his understanding of her. He withdrew his eyes from the pool of blood and looked at her indifferent side face, his eyes were a little restless .

This is the real her?
(End of this chapter)

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