The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1568 You Return My Grandpa

Chapter 1568 You Return My Grandpa

Quan Jiayun could sense Si Chengtian's gaze, but she didn't stop.

She brought Si Chengtian here on purpose, what she wanted was for him to see with his own eyes and know what kind of person Quan Jiayun was.

She is definitely not a good girl.

Don't talk about murder and extermination.

In order to achieve her goal, even destroying the world, she will do it.

Quan Jiayun went in bloody all the way.

Because of advancing to the golden core stage, Quan Jiayun's life level is completely different.

This time, she killed faster and more fiercely than last night. It was almost all done by a single sword qi, and only Tier [-] fighters could trouble her to use magic weapons.

It can be said that Quan Jiayun has completely opened up the aura of gods blocking and killing gods, and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas. No one can perform three moves in Quan Jiayun's hands. It's so easy. All were dead, and corpses lay all over the place.

In the end, Quan Jiayun's gaze stayed on the trembling children and women crowded in the corner of the square.

These people huddled there, cuddling together in fear.

Seeing Quan Jiayun's eyes looking this way, their bodies trembled even more.

Some women even covered the mouths of crying children even more tightly, for fear that these irritating sounds would provoke the other party to kill them even more.

At this moment, a mother took strict precautions, but a little boy ran out while struggling.

While running, he shouted angrily at Quan Jiayun with his fiery red eyes: "You bad guy, give me back my grandpa, bad guy..."

Before he finished speaking, the boy was caught up by his mother and covered his mouth.

The boy's mother covered the boy's mouth with all her strength, knelt on the ground, looked at Quan Jiayun with pleading fear and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, children are ignorant, please forgive us, please, please forgive us. "

Quan Jiayun walked up to the two of them, looked at the woman's face for a second, and then looked at the little boy, who was still staring at Quan Jiayun with resentful eyes.

There wasn't much fear in his eyes, unlike those grown men before, who didn't dare to look at her like that.

Obviously, he has not yet reached the age to know how to be afraid, so that he can be so fearless.

Quan Jiayun looked at the boy and motioned for his mother to let go.

"You let him talk."

The boy's mother was even more frightened, and she shook her head desperately.

"No, child, he is really..."

Quan Jiayun looked at her softly and said, "Let me tell, let him talk."

A light sentence, but with a strong majesty, under Quan Jiayun's gaze, the boy's mother let go of her hand tremblingly. As soon as she let go, the boy poked his neck and shouted: "You still don't know what to do?" My grandpa, you bad guy."

Quan Jiayun looked at him with a smile and said, "Do you know what I did to your grandfather?"

The boy shouted with tears, "You killed Grandpa."

Quan Jiayun twitched the corners of his mouth, looked at the boy, and said softly and cruelly: "Since you know that I killed your grandfather, you still ask me to pay it back. You should know that when a person dies, he cannot be resurrected. You How can I pay it back?"

The boy cried and shouted: "I will kill you to report to grandpa..."

The boy's mother quickly covered the boy's mouth again.

The woman hugged the child tightly, looked at Quan Jiayun with fear on her face and said: "My lord, my lord, the child is just talking nonsense, he will never dare, I will tell him to forget about it in the future, please forgive me Let's mother and son."

(End of this chapter)

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