The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1571 I miss you so much

Chapter 1571 I miss you so much


Amidst the children's screams of pain, they fell down.

In the future of these children, they will not be able to practice martial arts or refine qi, and they can only live until they die of old age as ordinary people. In this way, in the future, even if they still remember this grudge, it will be useless.

Because then it will be the difference between heaven and earth.

Under such a difference, it only takes two generations for them to forget this hatred, and it will be lost in the traces of history.

Si Chengtian looked at the fallen children in the distance, his heart was cold for a moment, but when he noticed that those children were not dead, his heart warmed up, and sure enough, he was right.

No matter how bloodthirsty she is, she still has a bottom line.

Si Chengtian's heart beat with joy.

Si Chengtian looked back at Quan Jiayun, smiled slightly at her, and bullied Quan Jiayun again.

Quan Jiayun snorted softly.

"Why are you smiling so nastyly?"

She said that she suddenly distanced herself to prevent him from approaching. When fighting a fourth-order warrior, getting close was not good for spiritual cultivation. If you beat Si Chengtian, you would have to kill him with a kite.

This is the same as the mage fighting warrior in the game.

Si Chengtian drew closer and said, "I'm very happy."

While casting a spell to attack him, Quan Jiayun said, "Don't think that I didn't kill because of you."

Si Chengtian looked at her and replied with a smile, "I know."

Quan Jiayun glanced at him, didn't speak, just kept attacking without holding back, Si Chengtian was not careless at all, and the two continued to fight for another 10 minutes.

In this battle, Quan Jiayun fought heartily and happily.

She has just been promoted to Jindan, so she needs to know her own combat power more clearly. After all, her formation of Dan this time is different from the last time, and Si Chengtian is a very good trainer.

When the sky is completely bright.

Quan Jiayun withdrew his hand suddenly, and said with a slightly rosy face: "Okay, don't fight anymore, that's enough, if you continue fighting for a while, you won't be able to tell the winner."

Although her cultivation base has exploded a lot, she still can't pierce Si Chengtian's skin where dragon scales gathered in an instant. Of course, although Si Chengtian is strong enough, it is impossible to completely crush her.

It can be regarded as a well-matched match.


Quan Jiayun looked at Si Chengtian and said proudly: "However, next time, I will definitely beat you."

This expression was really cold and arrogant, dazzling and eye-catching, Si Chengtian looked at this expression he had seen before, his heart throbbed again, he looked at her, and returned a calm smile.

"Next time I won't miss you too far."

In short, no matter what the gap between the two is, he will catch up with her.

Quan Jiayun snorted and said with a laugh: "General Nasi, let's just say goodbye and see you next time."

Quan Jiayun said that she summoned Long Xiao with her spiritual sense. Just now she let Long Xiao go to Jiang's animal yard.

Now, after Quan Jiayun has dealt with the Jiang family's affairs, he is in a hurry to see his father.

At the same time, after advancing to the golden elixir, she spent too much energy, and she was already hungry. Without the bigu elixir, she desperately needed a big meal.

Seeing that she was about to leave, Si Chengtian hugged Quan Jiayun's waist from behind.

Quan Jiayun felt the broad and warm chest behind him, looked down at the hands on his waist and asked, "What is General Si doing?"

As soon as Quan Jiayun uttered this question, her earlobe was gently touched by the hot and humid softness, and Quan Jiayun's eyes moved slightly.

She knew that this was Si Chengtian's lips.

This man who looks cold and hard, but his lips are actually very soft.

Then a voice that seemed to be deep in the soul came from Si Chengtian's throat.

"really miss you."

(End of this chapter)

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