Chapter 1572
really miss you! !

The three deep and heavy words entered Quan Jiayun's ears, as if three small pebbles were thrown into Quan Jiayun's heart, causing tiny ripples in her peaceful heart.

Because these three words are really moving.

Nobody doesn't like to hear that.

Thinking of words is sometimes more beautiful than the words I love you.

Because it was a reunion after a long time.

Quan Jiayun's eyes flickered slightly.

She saw what Si Chengtian did for her before.

So, after she successfully advanced to Jindan, the first time she saw him, she brought him here without saying a word, in order to let him see with her own eyes what kind of person she was, Quan Jiayun, To make him give up.

Unexpectedly, he didn't stop him all the way, so he just let her kill him.

So she attacked the old and the weak, women and children, and challenged his three views.

Sure enough, this time he stood up and stood in front of her.

So she threw out the bait to let him get out of the way and be her boyfriend.

When Si Chengtian hugged her back then, she thought that Si Chengtian had accepted the proposal, and she looked down upon it in her heart, just like she hated a person who would die or live because of love.

Likewise, she hates people who give up their principles for others.

Even because of her, she would look down on her.

People must have their own principles and bottom line in life, and it is too cheap to change easily for others.

On one point, Si Chengtian was right.

A person like her would not like a submissive man. What is the difference between a submissive man and a slave? She just wants a 100% submissive man to take her as a slave.

That's why Li Ge couldn't arouse her more interest at the beginning, and she didn't have the desire to challenge.

At that time, the aloof Si Chengtian made her have the desire to challenge, so she had a series of behaviors to tease him. Winning such a man was indeed a sense of accomplishment for her.

It was a kind of, you see, the satisfaction of being taken down by me, the cold and ascetic male god that everyone can't take down.

But going further into the relationship is out of Quan Jiayun's consideration.

Feelings are unnecessary on her path of cultivating immortality.

Quan Jiayun grabbed Si Chengtian's hand, turned around, looked at his boss Chengtian's deep black eyes, ignored the surging affection in them, raised his chin, and said every word with a wicked smile in his eyes. He said suddenly: "But I never thought about you at all."

Hearing Quan Jiayun's words, Si Chengtian saw her vile and heartless appearance, a darker Heozawa was suddenly rendered in his black eyes, and his handsome face became even more stern.

Facing his deeper gaze, Quan Jiayun raised his eyebrows fearlessly.

She continued: "I didn't tell a lie, so General Si should stop wasting time with me, my hunting game was over when I left the southwest base..."

Before the word Shu was uttered, Si Chengtian's pupils shrank.

next second.

Quan Jiayun let out a cry: "Ugh..."

A big palm clasped the back of Quan Jiayun's head, and then Si Chengtian's lips blocked Quan Jiayun's mouth, and squeezed Quan Jiayun's upper lip.

They were too close, and because the incident happened so suddenly, Quan Jiayun hadn't expected that someone like Si Chengtian would do such a thing as a forceful kiss, so his mouth was firmly sucked.

The sandalwood fragrance on Si Chengtian's body immediately enveloped Quan Jiayun completely.

At the same time, taking advantage of Quan Jiayun's moment of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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