The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1574 Father and Daughter Reunion

Chapter 1574 Father and Daughter Reunion

Si Chengtian turned around and took a quick step, leaping directly into the air, and then he entered his fighter plane, so fast that he didn't give Quan Jiayun any chance to make a sound.

Quan Jiayun looked at the walking shadow, narrowed his eyes, and smiled secretly.

She must have been put on by Si Chengtian.

It's kind of interesting.

Unexpectedly, he turned out to be such Si Chengtian.

Quan Jiayun touched his slightly swollen lips with his fingertips, looked away, and then turned to Long Xiao's giant head.

As soon as Long Xiao saw Quan Jiayun, he immediately complained to Quan Jiayun: "Didn't you tell me to take me to eat delicious food, just a few useless low-level monsters, this king wants to eat a big meal..."

"There will be a feast, what are you in a hurry for?"

Quan Jiayun grabbed Long Xiao and escaped, entering the small world.

At this time, Quan Hanyi and Quan Xuesong were on the outer hall of the Jinting Yuzhu, and their mood could not be calm.

They were stunned when Quan Jiayun threw them into this completely unfamiliar place last night.

They are all monks, and they can feel the strength of the aura inside, which is more than ten times the range of Lanyue Sect, and it is so thick that it will melt into fog.

There is also this palace, which is full of delicacy and luxury everywhere, just like the palace where immortals live.

They didn't know that this was indeed the fairy palace before.

Then, as far as the eye can see, there are rolling mountains, each peak is full of vitality, it is a scenery that they don't know at all, and they have never seen before.

Where are they?

Does this place exist on earth?
Also, what will happen to Jiayun?
The Jiang family has Jiang Jianmin.

All these were stuck in their hearts, and they were not in a good mood to visit everything around them. While healing their wounds, they anxiously waited for Quan Jiayun's appearance.

However, after more than ten hours, Quan Hanyi's heart sank to the bottom.

He couldn't help but said, "Is Jiayun really going to be okay? It's been more than ten hours."

Quan Xuesong said: "Dad, don't worry, since Sister Jiayun can easily transfer us to this strange place, even if we can't beat Jiang Jianmin, there will be a way to escape."

Just when Quan Xuesong was comforting Quan Hanyi, Quan Jiayun, who had recovered his original appearance, descended from the sky.


When Quan Hanyi heard this dad, he suddenly raised his head to look, his eye sockets immediately moistened, and it was not Quan Jiayun standing tall and graceful in front of him, or someone else.

Although there were some changes, it was still the appearance of his daughter in his memory.

But Quan Hanyi was very afraid that it was his own illusion.

He trembled and said, "Jiayun?"

"Well, it's me."

Quan Jiayun looked at his white-haired father who had already changed his bloody clothes, stepped forward and hugged him tightly, and said in a low voice: "I'm sorry, my daughter only found you now, and made you and mother suffer."

Quan Hanyi's tears burst out of the frame uncontrollably, and slid down his face.

Decades of separation.

Although he has always believed that his daughter is not dead.

But now he hardly dared to think about it.

So the goodbye now made him feel timid about close relatives, and he couldn't believe it even more.

With trembling hands, he hugged Quan Jiayun back and said, "Is it really Jiayun?"

Quan Jiayun smiled and said a few words familiar to his father: "Of course it's me."

Quan Hanyi confirmed that it was really his daughter, and his emotions fluctuated too much, almost crying and laughing: "Where have you been all these years, we can't find you no matter how hard we look."

(End of this chapter)

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