Chapter 1575 Immediately bring back Yuezong
Quan Jiayun could think of how her parents found her in those years, which made her both moved and sad for them.

She closed her eyes and said, "I went to an unknown place by accident, and I will explain it to you in detail later. I'm sorry for making you worry about me."

Quan Xuesong watched the touching scene of father and daughter recognizing each other, and stepped back consciously, watching this scene with happy and relieved eyes. Over the years, he has seen his foster father and adoptive mother feel sad for sister Jiayun.

He was very happy, after searching for so many years, he finally got his wish today.

The adoptive father did not suffer a greater blow.

It's great that the other party is really Sister Jiayun.

In his joy, Quan Xuesong quietly looked at Quan Jiayun's young face. So, is this the real face of Sister Jiayun?It's really beautiful! !
Also, what kind of cultivation is she?
Under Quan Xuesong's curious speculation, Quan Hanyi finally calmed down at the exciting moment of reuniting with his daughter after a long absence.

He pushed his daughter away, looked at Quan Jiayun's whole body, made sure she was not injured, and then asked: "Why did it take so long, what about the Jiang family, how are they doing now?"

Quan Jiayun looked at his father and replied, "Dead."

Quan Hanyi's eyes flickered, looked at his daughter and said, "Dead?"

"Well, all adult men above the second level are dead, including Jiang Jianmin."

Quan Jiayun said it lightly, but it made Quan Hanyi and Quan Xuesong's expressions change instantly.

The Jiang family is dead?Jiang Jianmin is also dead?

The two of them knew how powerful Jiang Jianmin was. He was a Tier [-] martial artist, comparable to a monk in the middle stage of Golden Core. At that time, neither of them had done many moves against each other, so they were both arrested.

Now, Quan Jiayun said he was dead?

Looking at Quan Jiayun's pretty face, the two felt a little unreal for a moment.

Quan Xuesong stared at Quan Jiayun first and said, "Sister Jiayun, did you kill it?"

Quan Jiayun glanced at Quan Xuesong, and responded lightly: "En."

The word "um" made the two of them look at Quan Jiayun in complete shock.

One was shocked by Quan Jiayun killing Jiang Jianmin alone, and the other was shocked by her methods.

Adult men above the second level are all dead?

Doesn't this mean that she wiped out the Jiang family?


When the hearts of the two were trembling, Quan Jiayun looked at them with a smile and said, "Why, don't you believe what I said?"

Quan Xuesong quickly shook his head.


Quan Jiayun said: "Okay, let's not talk about this, let's heal the wound first, and then we will go out for a meal, and then return to Yuezong."

Quan Hanyi's expression changed when he heard this, and he put away the feeling of being shocked by his daughter just now, and immediately said: "We can't eat anymore, we have to take Yuezong back immediately."

When Quan Jiayun heard this, the hand that was about to take the medicine paused slightly.

Seeing the anxious look on her father's face, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and immediately remembered a piece of news she heard from a low-level warrior when she first entered the city. The siege lived.

At that time, all her attention was on killing and saving people, so she didn't have time to pay attention to this matter for a while.

Now that she thinks about it, she immediately understands.

There is only one possibility for this.

She said: "Your whereabouts were betrayed by the ghost?"

Quan Hanyi's expression darkened and he said: "Yes, there is only one possibility, otherwise, Jiang Jianmin would not have found us as soon as we arrived at the East China Base."

Quan Jiayun narrowed his eyes coldly.

If it is a ghost.

Then, as soon as the news of Jiang Jianmin's death came out, either the ghost would run away, or he would attack her mother.

There is no delay.

I have to go now.

Quan Jiayun looked at his father and said, "Don't worry, we'll be right back."

(End of this chapter)

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