Chapter 1584

Hearing this voice, Shu Leying and Lu Wanwan were taken aback for a moment, and then their expressions instantly became excited.

Jiayun! !
Sister Quan Jiayun! !

When they were very excited, the other three people's expressions were extremely ugly when they heard this.

They looked in disbelief at the girl above who only seemed to be able to build a foundation.

What?Take the initiative to kowtow to admit your mistakes and save the chance of reincarnation?
This is too arrogant. It's not about kowtowing and admitting mistakes to spare people's lives, but about saving the chance of reincarnation, that is to say, no matter what, there is no escape from death.

Liu Feichi had never seen someone so arrogant before.

She dared to say such a thing even though her mother was still in his hands.

This is completely madness that doesn't take him seriously.

When did Liu Feichi suffer such humiliation! !
He looked at this girl who looked like Jiang Shanxue sarcastically.

Who does she think she is.


Just arrange his ownership like this?
When he is a golden core monk, is he a vegetarian?
Liu Fei suppressed the dark cloud in his heart because of her pursuit, looked coldly and sarcastically at Quan Jiayun who had just landed on the ground, and said: "You are really loud! If you admit your mistake, you will be given a chance to reincarnate?"

"However, have you seen the situation clearly?"

As Liu Fei spoke, he suddenly clasped Shu Leying tightly in his hand, causing Shu Leying to turn red all over because of the difficulty of breathing.

And in such a move, he looked at Quan Jiayun with a fierce look and said: "You are the one, if you want your mother to live well, kneel down to me immediately, or I will ask your mother to stand up... Immediately, the soul flies away."

Originally, when he said the four words Hunfeiposan, he was very imposing, but Liu Fei's voice subconsciously weakened.

Because Quan Jiayun's eyes suddenly turned cold when the other party tightened his mother's neck.

It was utterly bone-chilling cold.

Touching this look, the three of them tensed at the same time, which caused Liu Fei's imposing manner to be suppressed.

Quan Jiayun moved his lips lightly and said, "You kill me."

Quan Jiayun just looked at Liu Fei so coldly, and walked towards him step by step.

The aura of that body is intimidating.

It makes people dare not move a little more.

Liu Feizhi couldn't bear that a dignified Golden Core cultivator was completely suppressed by this girl.

With a loud roar, he released the coercion of the Golden Core cultivator, stared at Quan Jiayun and said, "Do you think I dare not kill? Ah! I am a Golden Core cultivator, so it doesn't matter how capable you are, if you really want to fight Get up, do you think I have no strength to fight with you?"

"Stop, stop right now."

Liu Fei suddenly raised his right palm, and gathered a large group of cyclones aimed at Shu Leying's head.

At the same time, under his signal, the other two took out their strongest magic weapon and made an attacking posture, which was the posture that if Quan Jiayun dared to take a step forward, he would kill him.

Quan Jiayun watched Liu Fei's movements, and watched the other two aiming at her magic weapon without blinking his eyes.

She smiled contemptuously, and looked at Liu Feizhi like an ant.

"Kill, if you have the guts, kill one."

Quan Yun didn't stop at all as he spoke.

Liu Feichi didn't expect that she would still dare to approach this way, mock him, and dare to provoke him even after he had done this.

He squinted and looked at this young and beautiful girl in disbelief.

What does she mean?
(End of this chapter)

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