The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1585 Dare to Threat Me

Chapter 1585 Dare to Threat Me

Did she think he was just threatening and didn't dare to really do it?
Or do you really not care about Shu Leying's life?

For a while, Liu Fei didn't dare to make a judgment lightly.

However, kill, he definitely won't kill, he hasn't been aroused to this point by a few words.

If he killed him, then he would have no cards in his hand that could threaten Jiangshanxue. That is the real situation is not good, after all, he has seen Jiangshanxue's power.

He would not choose this step unless it was absolutely necessary.

Especially when he was not sure if this female cultivator was Jiang Shanxue.

He looked at Quan Jiayun, his expression suddenly darkened.

However, although he did not dare to kill.

But he dared to cause serious injuries! ! !
So naturally, it is possible to find out whether the girl really doesn't care about Shu Leying, or if she just doesn't care about Shu Leying.

Liu Feichi immediately said coldly: "Okay, very good, since you don't want this opportunity yourself, don't blame me for being cruel."

After finishing speaking, Liu Fei hit Shu Leying's head with a heavy palm without hesitation.

At the same time, one of the two monks who received the order raised a golden seal, which suddenly turned into a phantom golden mountain several feet wide and threw it at Quan Jiayun.

The other offering was a pair of jade scissors, as soon as the scissors were pulled out, two ice pythons formed and bit at Quan Jiayun.

None of them were ordinary small spells.

Just when Shu Leying was about to be hit and injured, and Quan Jiayun was about to be attacked.

Facing the attacks of Jinshan and the ice python, Quan Jiayun's figure disappeared out of thin air in an instant.

In the next breath, Quan Jiayun directly appeared in front of Liu Fei's hand, and caught Liu Fei's palm.

This is obviously Quan Jiayun using the nodes of the space she can see to achieve the teleportation technique that only monks in the Nascent Soul stage can do.

Liu Feishu looked at Quan Jiayun who appeared without warning, his pupils suddenly widened in horror.

There is nothing more frightening for monks than disappearing in an instant and reappearing. With strong spiritual sense, they have always been accustomed to locking the existence of their opponents, so that no matter what attacks the opponents have, they can guard against them.

But at that moment just now, she was completely absent from his spiritual perception, as if she was not in this world.

This is teleportation?

God, how is this possible.

Isn't this the magic of Nascent Soul monks?
Liu Feishu subconsciously clasped Shu Leying's life gate with his left hand even more in the startled hole, trying to drag her over.

However, this time, he made a blank.

When Quan Jiayun appeared here, Shu Leying had disappeared instantly.

In the huge wind and waves, Liu Fei pushed out an earthen wall barrier and turned towards Lu Wanwan. However, no matter how fast his figure was, how could he be faster than Quan Jiayun who could use the space node to teleport.

Quan Jiayun put away Lu Wanwan before him again.

At the same time, she stood there and slashed a seemingly ordinary sword at Liu Fei.

This sword directly cut through Liu Fei's protective spirit shield, cut off Shu Leying's arm that he was holding onto, and pinched Shu Leying's arm hard, and it was severed from the arm.


A lot of blood soared out...

Liu Fei was in pain, rolled up his broken arm, suddenly backed away a few feet, and looked at Quan Jiayun in horror.

Quan Jiayun raised the blood-stained Xinghe sword, looked at Liu Fei with mockery and sarcasm, and said: "I can refine Qi to kill the foundation, and the foundation can kill the golden core. I have always killed people across realms. Now, I You have advanced to the Golden Core, and your spiritual power has increased several times compared to before, and you, a mere earth-type Golden Core early-stage cultivator, dare to threaten me in front of me, you are not worthy."

(End of this chapter)

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