Chapter 1596
After a few people walked around the medicine garden in amazement, Quan Jiayun led them out, looked at the distant scenery and said: "There are monsters and beasts in this space, if you want to go out for a stroll, you need to be careful. In a few days, I will make a teleportation talisman that can be teleported back to the Immortal Palace for you, and you can practice and practice in it as you like."

Lu Wanwan almost jumped up, she said excitedly: "Sister Yun, you are so kind!"

Quan Jiayun smiled noncommittally, and then said: "By the way, there is another one, let me introduce you to each other."

Quan Jiayun's figure flashed and disappeared.

When it reappeared, there was a huge black dragon beside Quan Jiayun, and this black dragon was naturally Long Xiao.

Quan Jiayun patted his head and said, "My lovely little friend Long Xiao."

Of course, Quan Jiayun's move was immediately rejected by Long Xiao, he let out an angry roar, and the dragon's breath caused by this roar made the people below tremble.

None of them had ever seen Long Xiao before, and now they were shocked when they saw this huge black dragon, and their expressions were even more stiff when they saw Quan Jiayun slapping the dragon's head so boldly.

Lu Wanwan swallowed again, looked at the huge black dragon and said, "Dragon, Long Xiao?"

Quan Jiayun squinted at Long Xiao and said, "I'm calling you, don't you want to say hello to them?"

Long Xiao raised his head arrogantly, as if he didn't care about the people below.

At this moment, Lu Wanwan looked at Long Xiao with starry eyes after being afraid, and said, "What a mighty and domineering dragon. This is the first time I have seen such a handsome dragon."

When Long Xiao heard this sentence, his ears moved.

The next second, he quietly lowered his eyes to look down, seeing the admiration in Lu Wanwan's eyes, the whole dragon immediately burst into laughter.

Sure enough, his handsomeness is unrivaled.

Resisting the urge to wag his tail, Long Xiao looked at Lu Wanwan and let out a dragon chant, praising her for her vision.

Seeing this, Lu Wanwan said distressedly: "It's a pity that I don't understand dragon language, and I can't understand what you mean. It would be great if you could speak human language, but it's a pity..."

Lu Wanwan glanced at Long Xiao, and said so following Yunyin's guidance.

When Long Xiao heard this, he didn't care about putting on airs. He immediately turned into a human body and said proudly: "What a pity, of course this king can speak human language."

Suddenly saw a dragon transformed into a child who was only a few years old.

The few people were not too frightened. As monks, they knew that if the monster had a high IQ, it could transform to a certain extent.

But even if you know it, you know it.

But when I actually saw this scene, I was not shocked but amazed.

Looking at this boy in a uniform, black cloak, and two horns on his head, Lu Wanwan almost blurted out how cute he was, but after Sister Yun's voice transmission just now, she knew she couldn't say that.

So what came out changed.

"so amazing……"

Sure enough, this satisfied Long Xiao, he said proudly: "Of course, this king is a majestic purple flame dragon, do you know what a purple flame dragon is?"

Lu Wanwan shook her head: "I don't know."

Of course she really didn't know.

Long Xiao looked at her ignorantly and said: "I know you don't know, this king told you..."

When one big and one small chatted happily because of this.

Quan Jiayun took his parents and Quan Xuesong away, looked at his parents and said: "Look, you can practice here with peace of mind. If you need to go out, just tell me. Go back?"

(End of this chapter)

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