The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1597 Parents' decision

Chapter 1597 Parents' decision

Although Quan Jiayun didn't think it was necessary for her parents to take Yuezong back, she respected their opinions.

She will not domineeringly arrange her parents' lives just because she is capable.

Quan Hanyi met his daughter's clear eyes, and then looked at the surrounding environment full of aura. He knew very well that it was safe and good to practice here, and he could often see his daughter.

For them, it is a good choice.


Quan Hanyi withdrew his gaze, turned his head, and nodded in tacit understanding with his wife.

Then, he held his wife's hand, looked at Quan Jiayun and said, "I want to go back, not to mention Master's great kindness to us. I have lived there for so many years and have feelings for other people. It can be said that it is already our place." home."

Quan Jiayun's eyes flickered when he heard this.

After a slight pause, Quan Hanyi smiled and said: "Of course, we will not ask you to join the Lanyue Sect. What you were like before is what you are now. Just let go of what you want to do." , just go wherever you want, Dad will support you."

Shu Leying also said: "Although we may not be your solid backing, we will never make trouble for you. We will always stand behind you, so that you have a place to rest whenever you come back , you usually make a phone call to contact us, and come back to see us once in a while, we will be satisfied."

Quan Hanyi nodded beside him.

Quan Hanyi understood one thing after seeing his daughter again this time.

Today's daughter is no longer the young daughter who needed his protection.

She had grown up when he couldn't see her.

Whether it is ability or temperament.

It is destined that she will soar in a wider world and become a better and stronger person.

The earth is not the end of her life, she will definitely go to the previous Canglan star, go to more planets, and experience more people and things.

This kind of life should not be their participation.

After all, children and parents cannot be together forever.

When a child grows up, he should have his own life.

Instead, they were a burden and a burden to her to stay with the children.

Although Quan Hanyi also has some regrets in his heart, regretting that he missed the time to accompany his daughter to grow step by step in those years,
But after so many years, for Quan Hanyi, seeing her still alive and calming down their obsession is the greatest comfort for him and his wife.
Therefore, Quan Hanyi didn't want to be with his daughter, he would rather watch her shine from a distance.

Quan Jiayun's heart warmed when he heard his father's words.

She could tell that it wasn't that her parents had a relationship with her and deliberately distanced themselves from her, but they were sincerely thinking about her.

The connection of family affection is really strange, she thought.

Even after decades, it is still so solid.

Just like she has been thinking about them too.

Maybe because the memory of her childhood was the most carefree part of her life where she didn't think about anything, so in the time filter, they became more beautiful, and she wanted to treat them well.

Maybe they are too.

Quan Jiayun's eyes softened, he looked at his parents tenderly and smiled, "Don't worry, no matter where I go in the future, this is my root, and I will come back to visit you."

As Quan Jiayun said, he stepped forward and hugged his father with his left hand and his mother with his right hand, giving them a tight hug.

Quan Hanyi and Shu Leying also hugged their daughter tightly.

The simulated sunlight in the small world fell on the three of them, giving them a light golden afterglow.

So far, it's a deal.

(End of this chapter)

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