The Mightiest Ms. Rebirth Campus

Chapter 1603 Quan Jiayun's Guidance

Chapter 1603 Quan Jiayun's Guidance

When the two of them heard what Quan Jiayun said, they felt a little embarrassed.

Just when they were uneasy and didn't know how to speak.

The next second, Quan Jiayun withdrew his expression slightly, and said: "Take out the exercises you have practiced, but you don't want to go back to rest, stay here, and I only give you two hours."

"Thank you, Sister Yun, thank you, Sister Yun."

The two of them happily thanked Quan Jiayun, and hurriedly took out the exercises they had practiced.

Seeing this scene, Quan's parents smiled with relief and said, "Then you guys talk first, we're going to make dinner, and I'll call you later."

Quan Jiayun originally wanted to say no, they don't need to work hard.

But looking at her parents, she stopped talking again, because her mother was obviously happy and was already talking about what favorite home-cooked dishes she would cook for her.

Quan Jiayun shook his head, looked away, and entered the room.

She cleaned up the rugs inside, sat on the rugs, and pasted several jade slips between the eyebrows one by one. Soon, she finished browsing the exercises of several people one by one.

Obviously, because Lanyue Sect has been passed down for thousands of years, there is no shortage of exercises of the five attributes.

Her mother practiced Changchun Jue with the single-wood attribute.

Her father cultivated a single-earth thick-earth art.

Quan Xuesong practiced single-attribute Gengjin Jue, so it's no wonder that he has some outstanding performances in the way of swordsmanship, but Lu Wanwan actually practiced the Mizuki-attribute kung fu.

Among these four kinds of exercises, the Houtu Jue practiced by his father is the highest.

Obviously, this is Lanyue Sect's main technique, because that Liu Feishu is obviously practicing earth-type spells, and what he uses is also some earth-type spells.

Quan Jiayun first separated the exercises of his parents, and modified the exercises of Quan Xuesong and Lu Wanwan.

This is not a difficult task for Quan Jiayun, because the exercises of Quan Xuesong and Lu Wanwan only belong to the upper-grade exercises of the human level, not even the level of the earth-level exercises.

She has read many exercises, so she can perfect this exercise and make it better.

After doing all this, Quan Jiayun answered some doubts about cultivation to them, often just a few words from her, which benefited Quan Xuesong and Lu Wanwan a lot, as if suddenly enlightened.

After all, their respective knowledge and experience are there.

Even if Quan Jiayun gave them some pointers, they would all benefit, not to mention that Quan Jiayun put his heart into pointing them out.

After all, one of these two is the adopted son of the parents, and the other is the disciple of the parents.

Quan Jiayun saw the behavior of the two of them towards their parents, and they were both well-behaved children.

Therefore, she doesn't mind rewarding them well, after all, they have become stronger, which is also a help to their parents.

Two hours later, Quan Xuesong and Lu Wanwan worshiped and revered Quan Jiayun even more, as if they were looking at a god-man, because the suzerain also gave sermons every once in a while, but neither of them benefited them as much as this time.

The two sincerely said to Quan Jiayun again: "Thank you, Sister Yun, your..."

Quan Jiayun interrupted their words, and said lightly: "I really want to thank you, so just work hard to cultivate and become stronger for me, and take good care of my parents. Everything else is empty talk, understand?"


As soon as the matter here was over, Quan Hanyi over there called for dinner.

So Quan Jiayun, the three of them and Quan Xuesong Lu Wanwan and five people sat together in the yard with the bright moon, and had a very harmonious and warm Wanwan meal.

(End of this chapter)

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